Meyer Hatchery - 4 of 15 chicks dead

I just talked to our TSC in Indiana and they get them through the mail just like us if we would order them straight from the hatchery. they get the call from the PO and go get them. I didn't know this, I was under the impression that they were trucked into each store in a more controlled envirorment. So why is it better to buy from them? My only thought would be so you don't see the DOA's, but then you go to the store and see them dead there in the brooders. I am thinking ordering from the hatchery itself and you get them straight from the PO then you can baby them right from the start. I think knowing this I will always order from the hatcheries take my chances, maybe order later in the spring if weather is a factor. Mine do come next week and its still cold here so a little nervous but hoping for the best!
That is so sad. Those poor chicks. If I got chicks through mail (Never have) and some died and I called the place and they thought they could makeit all better by giving me mony back i would be mad. I dont think it is the money that matters all that matters is the chicks. Well I am so sorry you lost some little chickies, That is super sad.
I am so worried now, I ordered from Meyers and the delivery is Feb 25th week. I live 4 hours from them. I am so excited but have nightmares that they will be doa. After reading several threads I am really afraid my nightmares are going to come true!
Why would you worry, you should have them the next day. Everyone that are ordering chicks in the dead of the winter can not blame Meyer. You order, they pack them with heat packs and PO picks them up. Many PO are being shut down. Every time I pick up eggs and such from the PO they look at me crazy. You can not blame Meyer, they are doing an on demand service, You really don't live that far and it is a nice drive, I live right down the road, and have never had a problem with them.
Quote: What is waterboarding, just the thought of it would make one think it would make things worse, it is winter after all, I'm glad all the other chicks are fine
Reading all this I decided to make the 2.5 hour drive to go to a hatchery.
You will love the drive, nice country.
I just talked to our TSC in Indiana and they get them through the mail just like us if we would order them straight from the hatchery. they get the call from the PO and go get them. I didn't know this, I was under the impression that they were trucked into each store in a more controlled envirorment. So why is it better to buy from them? My only thought would be so you don't see the DOA's, but then you go to the store and see them dead there in the brooders. I am thinking ordering from the hatchery itself and you get them straight from the PO then you can baby them right from the start. I think knowing this I will always order from the hatcheries take my chances, maybe order later in the spring if weather is a factor. Mine do come next week and its still cold here so a little nervous but hoping for the best!
I think because they are ordering in huge quantity they will stay warm from the body heat rather than me ordering only 15 they could get quite cold. Also, I'm sure they order extra so if some die they dispose of them and and it doesn't impact the buyer. If 5 of my 15 die I will know because they're mine and now I will only have 10. And I can't imagine the TSC purposely leaves dead chicks laying all over the brooder. But I'm doing what you are doing - ordering and hoping for the best. 3 weeks from today mine arrive (hopefully). Good luck to you and your chicks. Let us know how it goes!
I'm so sorry for everyone's losses--it's so exciting getting new babies, but to get them and have them DOA is horrible. Wishing for warmer weather SOON, getting tired of Ohio winter.
I'm so sorry for everyone's losses--it's so exciting getting new babies, but to get them and have them DOA is horrible. Wishing for warmer weather SOON, getting tired of Ohio winter.
Michigan winters get pretty bad too... I have never been more ready for Spring. I have a new coop that needs to be built, and I have chicks coming
Michigan winters get pretty bad too... I have never been more ready for Spring. I have a new coop that needs to be built, and I have chicks coming
I have always LOVED winter and snow. Having a fire roaring in the wood stove looking outside at the snow coming down. So picturesque. I wanted to to last forever... until now. I want it over and warm for my new babies!!!
I have always LOVED winter and snow. Having a fire roaring in the wood stove looking outside at the snow coming down. So picturesque. I wanted to to last forever... until now. I want it over and warm for my new babies!!!
I used to like winter, when I lived in the city, and didn't have farm animals. Now I have to walk 300 ft to my barn in the snow. I also don't have electricity out in my little barn, so I have to deal with 3 buckets of frozen water. It takes me two trips to refresh it all. I don't mind refreshing water usually. It's trudging through a foot of snow with water buckets that irritates me... I also hate how cold it gets. Today it was about 10 degrees with very heavy winds. It was miserable... Especially when I had to climb way up in a tree to rescue my cat that got chased up there by my neighbors dog. My fingers felt like they were going to fall off!

Otherwise, I agree with you. Winter is pretty. I just don't like how cold it is

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