Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I lucked out with my recent Meyer easter eggers. One lays a darker moss green, one lays a green with a bluish tint and one lays a very very blue egg. Most of the time they are huge and most of the time are double yolkers. One was a triple yolker recently. And usually each gives me 6 a week.I have zero
Out of curiosity, when did your Easter Eggers start to lay eggs? That is so neat they lay all different colored eggs. You have a real variety in your egg carton now.

Most of my chicks will get right up next to me and are within touching distance all the time, but only my BR's, Blue Cochin, and BO do not mind being touched. My White Leghorn lets me touch her on occasion and I can almost touch one of my EE's, but the other one is one of the most scared, along with my SLW and CW. My RIR's do not like to be touched either, but they are not as skittish. My friendliest bird for me is our biggest BR, Google, she loves to hop in my lap and actually fusses at me to sit down so she can sit in my lap. She pecked my BO who tried to sit on me too, now the BO goes and sits on my husband, so we each have a chicken that has a favorite person to sit on.

Of my new chicks, I can pet the White Rock, the BA, the Golden Laced Polish and my Salmon Faverolle without any problems, but the Welsummer and Brown Leghorn are a little jumpy. Of course, I still am not positive which one is the Welsummer and which one is the Brown Leghorn, they are still pretty identical..
Out of curiosity, when did your Easter Eggers start to lay eggs? That is so neat they lay all different colored eggs. You have a real variety in your egg carton now.

Most of my chicks will get right up next to me and are within touching distance all the time, but only my BR's, Blue Cochin, and BO do not mind being touched. My White Leghorn lets me touch her on occasion and I can almost touch one of my EE's, but the other one is one of the most scared, along with my SLW and CW. My RIR's do not like to be touched either, but they are not as skittish. My friendliest bird for me is our biggest BR, Google, she loves to hop in my lap and actually fusses at me to sit down so she can sit in my lap. She pecked my BO who tried to sit on me too, now the BO goes and sits on my husband, so we each have a chicken that has a favorite person to sit on.

Of my new chicks, I can pet the White Rock, the BA, the Golden Laced Polish and my Salmon Faverolle without any problems, but the Welsummer and Brown Leghorn are a little jumpy. Of course, I still am not positive which one is the Welsummer and which one is the Brown Leghorn, they are still pretty identical..

Hazel hatched 12/16/12 and has been laying for about a month, so she was about 4 1/2 months. Hermione and Hedwig I bought as started pullets from Meyer and they were supposed to be between 16 - 20 weeks old at the time. I picked them up April 28th I think. They started laying within a week of bringing them home. A few soft shells from Hedwig at first but now she consistently lays double yolkers.

I will most definitely purchase their started pullets next Spring as well.
Hazel hatched 12/16/12 and has been laying for about a month, so she was about 4 1/2 months. Hermione and Hedwig I bought as started pullets from Meyer and they were supposed to be between 16 - 20 weeks old at the time. I picked them up April 28th I think. They started laying within a week of bringing them home. A few soft shells from Hedwig at first but now she consistently lays double yolkers.

I will most definitely purchase their started pullets next Spring as well.
Thank you. I am trying to track which birds will start laying soon. They will be 16 weeks on Monday. We started looking for eggs this week already. I'll be so excited when I find the first egg.

I love the names of your chickens!
I have found a very reliable way to tell when a hen will lay. Turn her on her back and find her hip bones. If you can fit 3 fingers between those 2 bones then she will lay within the week usually. 2 fingers means within a month most likely. 2 1/2 fingers means a few weeks. Plus pacing outside the nest boxes and finding her voice are good indicators too. I have 3 that are due any minute to present with their gifts.
I have found a very reliable way to tell when a hen will lay. Turn her on her back and find her hip bones. If you can fit 3 fingers between those 2 bones then she will lay within the week usually. 2 fingers means within a month most likely. 2 1/2 fingers means a few weeks. Plus pacing outside the nest boxes and finding her voice are good indicators too. I have 3 that are due any minute to present with their gifts.
You don't have to turn them over as that's not a good idea being their kidneys are up by their spine. Also it is their pin bones they aren't attached to their "hips" which is at the top of their legs. The spacing is one indicator but also reddening of the comb and wattles also the hens vent will be come larger and pinker.
Here are my chickies 2 week old pics!

Group shot.

Diamond the SS.

Daisy the CW.

Olivia the EE.

Pearl the BA.

Goldie the BO.

Bianca the White rock.

Im kinda worried about Bianca being a roo since there was talk of curled feathers being an indication...

granted they are only two weeks and its too early to tell, but I really hope she's not cuz she's a favorite!!

The BO and the CW have always been the smallest and slowest to get feathers. They are also the most shy and the BO still has some protruding vent issues but it seems to be getting a bit better...
Here are my chickies 2 week old pics!

Group shot.

Diamond the SS.

Daisy the CW.

Olivia the EE.

Pearl the BA.

Goldie the BO.

Bianca the White rock.

Im kinda worried about Bianca being a roo since there was talk of curled feathers being an indication...

granted they are only two weeks and its too early to tell, but I really hope she's not cuz she's a favorite!!

The BO and the CW have always been the smallest and slowest to get feathers. They are also the most shy and the BO still has some protruding vent issues but it seems to be getting a bit better...
Cute chickies. I love the CW baby pics, for some reason I think they are the cutest as babies. I hope your White Rock is a girl too, she looks a lot like mine.
Thanks everyone for the advice. I think I'll wait rather then flip them over, catching them is not so easy. I am looking at their hips, combs and wattles to determine if they are ready to lay eggs. They all seem to be getting a little bit of an attitude lately and are more vocal. Here are pics of them today, a few of them anyway:

Here is Gizmo, Blue Cochin and Fred(Freida) CW - They are not too red yet and not much comb or wattles. Gizmo is huge though, she is a ball of fluff and feathers. Very wide. Fred is a beautiful chicken and is also getting wider.

Google, the BR- She is huge and wide and is starting to get red, but still does not have a lot of comb or wattles

Google again

Maddie the EE - She is getting a lot sweeter and is getting a darker pink comb, I am not sure what she should look like when she is ready to lay. Does anyone have picks of their Easter Eggers around the time they started laying eggs? Just curious. It is so much fun to try to guess who will lay and egg first and is it a rooster or a hen.

Nemo the SLW- She's always been a little redder then the rest, but her comb has gotten bigger and she is getting wattles and also a little redder then usual, but still pinkish. Behind her is Ash, I think Ash and her sister Red will be the 1st to lay. Red has even bigger and redder comb and wattles.

Oreo - She is starting to get some red too and seems to have more wattle and comb development, but she is more slender then Google, no wide hips yet

Snow - She is getting a little pinker and more comb and wattle development and is getting so much friendlier and sweet now.

So tomorrow they are officially 16 weeks, the wait continues......

and a few of the 5 week old chicks today:

Lucy - My little SF- see her 5 toes and leg feathers?

Zorro - our GLP taking a dust bath

and another pic of zorro and her hairdo
Lynn- goodness, they are all so pretty. Still can't pic a fav. Freida looks so pretty sitting there! I'm putting my money on Ash or Red to lay first with Snow coming in next.

Hopefulpeeps... they are so cute :)

I have a question... mine are 12 weeks and was wondering about how much bigger they will grow? I'm thinking just a bit taller a fuller or am I off and they will still grow a lot??
It looks like I may not be taking any pictures of my girls for you guys for a while :( My camera is acting up and it's not taking clear photos anymore. Now when I click the button to take the photo, it stalls and it takes 5 seconds before it takes the photo. By that time the photo is so blurry you can hardly make out what the picture is of. Plus chicks do NOT sit still for more than 5 seconds. Lol!
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