Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I'm not complaining cause they have only 3 black & blue silkies left for my aug date and I called before 12 today to add them but they were already closed. I'm keeping my fingers crossed they are still there mon morning! My husband canceled our order for 7/08 that had my silkies & Sussex on it so for his sake I hope I can get some more silkies atleast.
So cute they are adorable! Congrats!
You really are making me consider silkies in the future. I better not let my daughter see these or she'll be forcing me to get some.
Oh wow! They are cute. I am trying to play catch-up on this thread, so please forgive me if you already told this, but these were hatched from your Meyer chicken eggs? Is that the mini Brinsea? I want to in the far future use one of the little incubators, do you like it?
Ellie - (Easter Egger)

Lizzie - (Golden Campine)

Your chickens are really growing and all look so pretty!

Here are some of them! (with their meyers hatchery Pekin sisters that are 14 weeks . ) They are enjoying a livestock Popsicle I made them all
Cute pic and chicks, love the duck too! How'd you make that popsicle?

I'm hoping our little chipmunk pulls through!

I hope that your little chipmunk chick pulls through too. Those are cute little chicks. We've considered meat birds too, but with all the drama with my chickens lately, that is probably far in the future. I've heard of people naming their chickens names like lunch and dinner and that helped them. I really am not sure I'd be up to it, but then you think the chicken you buy from the store is treated so badly that at least the ones you raise yourself would be treated well and live a good life.
I'm not complaining cause they have only 3 black & blue silkies left for my aug date and I called before 12 today to add them but they were already closed. I'm keeping my fingers crossed they are still there mon morning! My husband canceled our order for 7/08 that had my silkies & Sussex on it so for his sake I hope I can get some more silkies atleast.
I used to have the same problems at times trying to get on their site. I know they have been advertising specials on their facebook page and sending emails, so maybe just too many people are bogging down the system?

Love that cute little guy and his crow!
I am so sorry for those of you that have lost chicks too and thank you guys for all your support. I came here for a little distraction and am going to head out again this morning to see how everyone is doing.

Mini update before I go out:
Oreo actually looked a little better right before bed last night and ate some tuna, meal worms and chicken feed. I have water in with her, but I have not seen her drink it. She seemed to want to get up and tried to get up when she saw the others flying up to the roost. I have her under a basket since Pepper the other BR came behind her and pecked a feather out next to her wound. I am going to try to slather her more today with Nu Stock and see if I can wrap her up with some vet wrap but still leave her wings free and uncover her today so she can get around more.

Big Mama put herself back on the roost last night, I had her walk around some more and she is still trying to eat and is drinking, she does not seem to pick up much food when she eats and misses the food a lot. My husband reminded me that when she was a chick she couldn't aim very well to peck either, so now with one eye in use it's worse. Looking out at the coop now it looks like she is off the roost, we're hoping that she wanders out with the others to the run.

I'm going out soon to see how they are and feed them if needed.

Thanks for all your support!
Thanks for the tips! I do check everyday esp for golden cuckoo Maran. And I did notice it changes but so far none of the changes have done me any good. My husband is hoping and praying they all stay sold lol.

I'm sorry about your wheaten, I hope she makes it. I never did understand the no guarantee on pick ups, really makes no sense. Did she look ill when you picked her up? What chicks did you end up getting?

I just canceled an order for 9/30 that had two cuckoo marans, maybe that will help you out!
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:hugs Glad I could be of help. :)

My babies are 7 weeks old today, quickly approaching their first nights outside. I can't believe how much they've grown! The pullets are already bigger than my Sebright bantam hens! I have their 7 week pictures on my camera, so I'll get those uploaded some time this afternoon. :D

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