Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

That would be nice to have a local place to get food. We order ours from azure standard. They have a pretty good price for organic food. $21.85/40lbs

We have a place that we can get freshly milled food pretty close but it's whole grain and I found our chickens waste it. I went through it twice as fast and it was more expensive than the pellets I order. We have another semi close location that uses locally milled product but they don't have pellets yet either. They are working on it though so I'm hopeful. I'm happy with the azure stuff the only problem is that it only comes once a month so we have to make sure we have enough and I have to pay attention to when to order!
You guys are lucky, it is hard to find even regular chicken feed here in NC. Where I am located anyway. I always buy regular feed at Tractor Supply. I wish we lived near Meyers even more now, I didn't realize they had organic feed too.
My egg count hasn't been too great from my girls.
I have 9 hens. One is old and will most likely never lay an egg again. So I have 8 layers. Sunni hasn't laid an egg since the day after our dog attacked her (the 18th of December). My egg count has only been 1-3 eggs every day. Annie and Alice my Leghorns lay about 4-5 eggs per week each, Daffodil (Buff Orp) lays 2-3 eggs per week, and Lilly my Black Australorp lays 2-3 eggs per week as well.

Amber (EE), Ellie (EE), Chicken Little (not from Meyer) haven't layed any eggs in weeks. My girls are really slacking! But on a good note, Sunni has been pretty interested in the nest box today, so hopefully I'll be seeing some eggs from her again shortly. I miss seeing her tiny cream colored eggs. Her eggs added a nice color to the egg carton.

I thought I would make a little chart to show you which egg color each of my Meyer girls lays.


Ellie (EE): Green

Amber (EE): Brown with dark brown spots and speckles (she has only ever layed one egg.

Annie (WL): White

Alice (WL): White

Sunni (BO): Creamy brown

Daffodil (BO): Dark/Medium brown

Lilly (BA): Brown


When they were all laying eggs, my egg cartons looked beautiful with all of those colors. Now I just get mostly white eggs and a few browns...
This cold winter has been really hard on the girls. I noticed yesterday that the tips of Alice's comb are really pale/white. I'm not sure if it's frostbite, but it worries me. I don't understand why she would be getting frostbite. My coop is really ventilated (but not too ventilated) and there are no drafts. I supposed I'll just have to watch her close and make sure it isn't frostbite. Now that it is supposed to start warming up this week, she should be okay. My old rooster got frostbite on all of the tips of his comb, and they all turned black. But we got some warm weather and it healed right up. Alice's isn't nearly as bad as his was, so she should be fine you would think.
That's neat that you get two completely different colored eggs from the same type of chickens. I hope yours pick up again soon! Good luck with those combs too with this crazy weather!
Here's our 2013 egg count:

Our first pullet started laying on 7/3. We got a total of 462. We had a total of 6 layers by the end of the year. Here is the breakdown by month and chicken:

July - 34. We had one start on 7/3, another on 7/25, and our EE laid her first on 7/23, her second on 7/24 then she got attacked by something and didn't lay again until november
Aug - 45
Sept - 80 - 1 new layer on 9/1 and another on 9/14
Oct - 85
Nov - 112 - 1 new layer 11/12
Dec - 105

Marble (BR) - 141 eggs, started laying on 7/3 at 21 weeks old - pointy creamy egg
Sky (BA) - 118 eggs, started laying on 7/25 at 24 weeks old - large rounded ends med brown
Amber (EE) - 30 eggs, started laying on 7/23 at 23 weeks old - blue/green eggs (more green than blue)
Flower (D'Uccle) - 81 eggs, started laying on 8/31 at 29 weeks old - small very light cream eggs (look white until held against something white
Mona (Partridge rock) - 73 eggs, started laying on 9/14 at 31 weeks old - small round creamy eggs
Sterling (cochin) - 19 eggs, started laying on 11/12 at 39 weeks old - small round dark brown eggs (stopped laying on 12/10)

Our Polish from Meyer are 7 and 6 months old and none of them have started laying yet. Can't wait to get a white egg for the basket!
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Here's our 2013 egg count:

Our first pullet started laying on 7/3. We got a total of 462. We had a total of 6 layers by the end of the year. Here is the breakdown by month and chicken:

July - 34. We had one start on 7/3, another on 7/25, and our EE laid her first on 7/23, her second on 7/24 then she got attacked by something and didn't lay again until november
Aug - 45
Sept - 80 - 1 new layer on 9/1 and another on 9/14
Oct - 85
Nov - 112 - 1 new layer 11/12
Dec - 105

Marble (BR) - 141 eggs, started laying on 7/3 at 21 weeks old - pointy creamy egg
Sky (BA) - 118 eggs, started laying on 7/25 at 24 weeks old - large rounded ends med brown
Amber (EE) - 30 eggs, started laying on 7/23 at 23 weeks old - blue/green eggs (more green than blue)
Flower (D'Uccle) - 81 eggs, started laying on 8/31 at 29 weeks old - small very light cream eggs (look white until held against something white
Mona (Partridge rock) - 73 eggs, started laying on 9/14 at 31 weeks old - small round creamy eggs
Sterling (cochin) - 19 eggs, started laying on 11/12 at 39 weeks old - small round dark brown eggs (stopped laying on 12/10)

Our Polish from Meyer are 7 and 6 months old and none of them have started laying yet. Can't wait to get a white egg for the basket!
Those are some nice counts. Looks like between yours and mine the best layers are the BR's and RIR's. My EE, Olivia is now laying 3 to 4 eggs a day just like the Meyer's website says, at first she was laying almost everyday.

I guess there descriptions are pretty good for each chicken. Seems like your Marble is beating the record for BR's though, she must be an overachiever!

I can't wait until your Polish chickens start laying, I know I have a long, long wait before Buffy lays but I wonder when they start and how they act, etc. They are such funny chickens.

Are you getting more in the spring to? I can't remember.
The polish don't look like they are ready to start at all, still very tight bones. I read that they can take a year or more before they start laying.
We won't be getting anymore. We are down to 2 and plan to sell one so we'll just have our one. She's fun though.
My Easter Egger started laying! She is 23 weeks old! The picture doesn't do it justice. It is a pretty olive color with brown spots. The brown egg on the bottom is from my Barred Rock hen.


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