Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I have been super strong against the chicken math since I got my 4 chicks, but the store I work for 9 months out of the year is getting baby chicks this year.... ruh roh...
Well five days in and one chick died today. Went out to check on them and it was under heater on it side, tried to make it drink, went back out ten minutes later to try to give it some sugar water and it was dead. I gave them Ramon noodles today for a treat don't know if that's what did it. I have been giving them scrambled eggs but wanted to try something different. Its gizzard seems very tight and full, any suggestions? Oh well we will see how many make it tomorrow.
I hope that the rest are doing well. So sorry!

Good for you. You did great this weekend. I had the windows thrown open and cleaning inside. The early spring makes me nervous. My forsythia was blooming last week. And two years ago, this happened and all my fruit trees bloomed and then we got frost. I got zero fruit that year. I'd love for it to just stay like this for a while!
It is so nice to open up the coop and get the smell out. I am really nervous too with this early spring. We still have not had fruit on our fruit trees and I am hoping to get a plum or nectarine still. We had the same problem, they blossomed way too early last year. We have a few more days and then Friday it's getting colder and wet.

So jealous! We had a surprise flash freeze over night and a day of nonstop rain and there was a 56 car pile-up a mile from my house. Just dreadful! It was so slippery I couldn't even step outside until noon when it finally warmed up to 34 degrees!! My chicken run is sand but it's not draining well so its a mess. I love the look of the leaves in your run. Mine do have one nice spot for dust bathing and since it's so cold here we have lots of ashes from my wood stove to add to it.
Glad you're feeling better. Stomach virus is the worst.
I always loved winter. Looked forward to snuggling by the fire and reading a book. Until I got chickens. They ruined it for me LOL. I can't wait for longer warmer days now!!
I heard from northern relatives about that flash freeze. My cousin in Maine was stuck for awhile. All those pile ups too, so scary. Glad that you and your family are okay. Looks like even the weathermen were not aware of the problem until it happened.

The best thing about having the stomach virus was that I did not get either pregnant daughter-in-law sick. My son who's wife is 7 months was sick too, but she did well avoiding us sickies. My husband was great to help me out and also went to my son's house to help him, so his wife could avoid the illness.

After all that ice, I imagine that you cannot wait until warmer temps! I expect we're going to have some freezing weather soon too, I remember when I got my 1st chickens in February, it was unusually cold and I had to wait to put them in the coop. We had a freeze in March too last year. I am shocked that I am still picking vegetables from the garden this year. Of course, it is Swiss Chard which likes it a little cooler, but still.

I love a good warm day in the winter. It is motivating to get a lot done that you certainly don't want to do in winter.
I had a garden planning party with friends today. It got me thinking about spring even though I haven't wanted to think about the garden at all. I realize that our house work should be done in time to get at least part of the garden area ready for planting so I need to get on it and figure out what needs to be started indoors. I don't think I'll get any early spring plants this year as the garden probably won't be ready until April at the earliest.
We have warmer weather for a few days but snow coming on Wed. I'm hoping we don't have a drawn out winter.
It is so motivating. A garden planning party sounds awesome!

I hope that you can get the house back to where it needs to be sooner then later. Then you can work on that garden!

Sorry to hear about the puppy trouble. I imagine it will be so nice once he is finally trained. He is so adorable though, maybe that face of his will help you cope?

I tell myself that I won't be effected by chicken math. Luckily, my friends are more reasonable than I am when it comes (one even talked me down on the number to start out with). But we'll see. I was even thinking about buying the chicken feed a month in advance to avoid seeing the baby chicks at Tractor Supply lol.
That's a good plan. Buy early and a lot so you don't have to go during their chick sale!

I have been super strong against the chicken math since I got my 4 chicks, but the store I work for 9 months out of the year is getting baby chicks this year.... ruh roh...
Oh strong!!
Hey, y'all, sorry I haven't posted much in the past couple months! The end of the year was a bit difficult for me, and as a result I won't be getting chicks for a while, but I still have my girls, including my Meyer ladies, so I'll continue to update with them here. :D Thought I would stop in and update on my youngest ladies, who turned 8 months old over the weekend.

Most of them are laying at this point, so we're only waiting on Louise. Elda started laying last week, and the rest around mid-December. (I think I posted when Georgie laid her first egg around December 5? Mabel and Kit started laying a week or two after that!)

The Dorking twins:

Elda the cuddler:


Sweet, talkative Kit-kit:


The Black Copper Marans:

Georgie, poor girl had a mild case of frostbite, but she seems to be recovering. :)


Louise, who apparently is indignant:


Miss Mabel the Welsummer, who always seems to pose:


Some extras, just for fun. :D

Elly, who is very serious about her cuddles this month. "Back off, she's mine! I wuv you..." :love


The Dorkings. Aren't they so stately? (Elly is sitting and Kit is standing ;) )


Louise wanted in on this picture:


And I can't help but post her, too, so here's Frou-Frou the splash Marans! :D Can't believe she'll be 3 years old in June!


BLAT! Preen time. :lol:
Hey, y'all, sorry I haven't posted much in the past couple months! The end of the year was a bit difficult for me, and as a result I won't be getting chicks for a while, but I still have my girls, including my Meyer ladies, so I'll continue to update with them here.
Thought I would stop in and update on my youngest ladies, who turned 8 months old over the weekend.

Most of them are laying at this point, so we're only waiting on Louise. Elda started laying last week, and the rest around mid-December. (I think I posted when Georgie laid her first egg around December 5? Mabel and Kit started laying a week or two after that!)

The Dorking twins:

Elda the cuddler:

Sweet, talkative Kit-kit:

The Black Copper Marans:

Georgie, poor girl had a mild case of frostbite, but she seems to be recovering.

Louise, who apparently is indignant:

Miss Mabel the Welsummer, who always seems to pose:

Some extras, just for fun.

Elly, who is very serious about her cuddles this month. "Back off, she's mine! I wuv you..."

The Dorkings. Aren't they so stately? (Elly is sitting and Kit is standing

Louise wanted in on this picture:

And I can't help but post her, too, so here's Frou-Frou the splash Marans!
Can't believe she'll be 3 years old in June!

BLAT! Preen time.

Hey Pip! Glad to see you on here. The girls look beautiful! Thanks for sharing pics!
Oh yay! Love to see pics of your chickens Pip! Especially your Dorking twins and Mabel. Elda sounds like Baby, our Buff Orp, very possesive of mommy snuggle time. Victoria, the husband's Dorking, is a nice quiet companion that likes to come up and sit next to you but she doesn't crave the hugs like Baby does. My Marans and Golden Buff also got frostbite, I feel so bad for them, but no cracking or bleeding so thats good. I've been putting an anti-biotic ointment on their combs but would like to get some Green-Goo. Do you have pics of their eggs by any chance? Especially curious about the Welsummer eggs. Sorry to hear its been a rough time for you :( I hope the new year is brighter and that your beautiful snuggly chickens bring you much joy and comfort!

My son and I had a long weekend (Thursday-Tuesday) visiting my parents and sister down in Naples, Florida (they are down there for three months!). But it seemed every night I would dream about the chickens or wake up in the morning thinking I needed to let them out. The husband took good care of them and they were able to free range on Sunday and Monday while the snow was melting, but then of course it refroze and we got more.

Clara, our Easter Egger, didn't lay while we were gone and might not have laid for a few days before we left. I saw a few of her feathers in the coop yesterday but nothing like what was covering the coop floor and droppings board this morning. Poor dear! Now I have two molting girls, another who hasn't laid in 2 months, an every other day layer and an every day layer. And they are only 9 and half months old. Molt meatloaf is in the oven. I followed Fresh Eggs Daily's recipe a little more closely this time and its a much thicker consistency so it should actually slice not crumble. Added flaxseed and some red turkey wheat flour. So grateful to have local organic grains and meat to use. My herb cupboard is pitiful though.
"I have been super strong against the chicken math since I got my 4 chicks, but the store I work for 9 months out of the year is getting baby chicks this year.... ruh roh...

Where is that ??? (like I need any more lol). I am gonna have extra Meyer Marans pullets at some point this Spring if things go well with our shipment (ordered extra Black Copper, Golden Cuckoo, Blue Splash, and Silver Cuckoo pullets) . Was just gonna put them on Craigslist after the kids brood them inside a few weeks and decide which ones they are keeping. We are also in AA co.
Kurt, I work at Homestead Gardens, but not the big one in Davidsonville, thay always have chicks. I work at the Severna Park store and we have never had them until this coming spring. Come and see us.
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Hey all been doing some reason reading on homeopathic and natural chicken keeping practices and treatments, thought I would share these two sites.
I will def. take a look through those. Thanks for posting

Kurt, I work at Homestead Gardens, but not the big one in Davidsonville, thay always have chicks. I work at the Severna Park store and we have never had them until this coming spring. Come and see us.
About how far is that from Philly?? My feed store only has chicks from Mar through July Thank goodness!!

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