Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

I was a naughty girl, I smoked for many, many years. Quit 8 years ago ~ Yay me!
Good for you, it's never too late to quit. I never started I was born with a weird lung capacity. I had a biological sibling with Cystic Fibrosis so there is definitely something there. The lung tests showed 80 yr old lungs when I was 20.
But shortly after my 25th bday my asthma just disappeared. It only bothered me on occasions like super cold weather or illness. Now, it's back with a vengeance.
Good for you, it's never too late to quit. I never started I was born with a weird lung capacity. I had a biological sibling with Cystic Fibrosis so there is definitely something there. The lung tests showed 80 yr old lungs when I was 20. :(  But shortly after my 25th bday my asthma just disappeared. It only bothered me on occasions like super cold weather or illness. Now, it's back with a vengeance.
Sorry that's not good, don't wait too long on seeing the doc. The sooner your back on meds the easier it will be for you to breath. Good luck
The Ganoi cocks were not afraid of any hawks no matter how big the hawks were. They tackled anything that tried to get the hens or young. Several times I would hear cackling going on in the chicken yard and run out to see what was going on. Most times there was a hawk sitting in the tree above the chicken yard with these Ganoi standing either right beneath the tree or between the hens and chicks wherever they would be which was usually under the coop or under a wild rosebush. This is my original Ganoi that the one pictured above is out of.
...winter picture.
he is very handsome, looks kind of like the pics of game cocks I have seen

sorry for the lung problems, that does not sound like a fun think to live with
Yolk color is related to carotenoid pigments, not vitamins. As hens lay they utilize the pigments stored in their body tissues. While laying hens do not store pigments, so hens that lay continuously for long periods may use them up, and have only what is in their feed. Some feeds contain more than others, usually in the form of ground marigold petals. You can feed things like pumpkin or other squashes and bright green or yellow vegetables to increase yolk color. Corn also helps, but should be feed in smaller amounts as it can unbalance the diet.
New computer arrived today. Finally I can post again. Plus being able to get on a site without all of the ads telling me that I need to buy their program to stop the junk from popping up.

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