Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Straight run is always anybody's guess, especially with small numbers. If you ordered 25, or 50, things would likely even out. With many fewer, who knows? I got lucky a few years ago and had four pullets and one cockerel in an order, wonderful. Usually it's not that good.
I figure I'll probably end up with more cockerels but at a risk I'm willing to take. Were you offered a color choice with yours? My local FF&H sells white
Rather chilly today but it was still nice to be outside all day.
I got lumber cut to make 7 bluebird houses. Then moved a rack of firewood up to the porch. Gathered 10 chicken eggs and 2 turkey eggs. It was a wonderful day here at the new homestead.


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Today was chick eviction day. They seem very pleased with their new accommodations if you go by how much noise they make. They’re running in and out from under the hover, pecking at the corner of the coop, and general your running around like the tiny chickens they are.

3 hens are laying now (thank goodness!) but I did notice today that I have one that all of her toes have frostbite. If it were your bird, would you cull? This is one of the few younger ones I have left, not one of the 4-year-olds.
I did notice today that I have one that all of her toes have frostbite. If it were your bird, would you cull? This is one of the few younger ones I have left,

Looks like a couple have already fallen off, just like comb tips do.
As long as there's no raging infection I'd just leave them alone and see how it works out.

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