Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Cool and dry. While not ideal growing weather for the garden it is an improvement over all the rain. The grass has gotten tall enough that it has gone to seed. I'm sure that it is going to require raking.
I'm super thankful for the wind & sun yesterday. Thanks to all my BYC Friends, my pen is dry and not smelling nasty finally.

Any takers on the fence idea I posted last night? :) Seriously, I need ideas for a cheap, easy fence. Tomatoes look ok here.

So I heard this am that a wild turkey was identified as having West Nile. I never thought of that. Anyone else?

I'm thinking about reseeding my garden of oats and building a scarecrow. Is it odd to build a scarecrow in June? I don't think my ducks will be at all phased.
Nigellas-- my ducks feather in just like that. So while I don't know a darn thing about chickens, I'm going to say your chick looks healthy and I wouldn't worry.

Otherwise I'm checking in for some "normal" feelings. My human family are being very negative about my ducks. I need a fence for them. I am in love with this one and I've got trees! Anybody up for building it? LOL
I doubt you'll find Osage Orange to use, lol. Using natural timber can be problematic in that eventually it rots. Even dipped in tar at the base. Cypress, tamarack, oak, and cedar would be my choices but you'll have straight poles. I built a cypress adirondak chair and bench about 25 years ago and they still sit in the yard with no rot and were never treated. You can still make things look "rustic" though. Use cedar logs for corners. Instead of using the corner pole support I cement them in the ground to give me someting to pull the fence (tighten). My corners are twice the diameter of the side poles. Then, about every 8 to 10 feet I use posts (1/2 dia of the corners) for fence. To add a look, I add top boards rough cut from the sawmill. It gives you extra height and strengthens the overall span. You can use field fence, sheep, or no-climb horse, depending on what size hole you want. Gates are more of a challenge but can be the focal (artistic) point of the entire thing. There are so many ways to do it. For ducks I just rip some 2x4s into 2x2s and make them 5 feet long. Drive 12 inches in the ground and wrap 4 foot chicken wire around - about 100 feet. The ends meet at their house. I lock them in at night so only daytime could be an issue. Their pond is within that fence. If you have trees that form a natural boundary you could just stretch a type of fence around that? So many ways to do it, so little time, ha ha.
Welcome to all newbies!!!

I am an Uncle again!!!! As some of you remember that my Brother #1 and his wife had lost a baby boy last year. Well, Brother #2 and his wife just had a beautiful healthy baby girl! Born May 30th, Eliza Joy. 4 lbs, 15 oz, 19 inches long.

Who couldn't love that face?
Congratulations to you and your family!
If you have trees that form a natural boundary you could just stretch a type of fence around that? So many ways to do it, so little time, ha ha.
We have a lot of trees, but I am concerned about raccoons when it comes to using them for a natural boundary other than pigs. We had hoped to have the pig run in and complete but are still working towards it. I was going to place that between the "woods" and the fowl hoping it would provide some bit of protection for the chickens and eventual ducks.

I love the idea of cedar posts and using branches from the available trees to make it look rustic though. I have seen a number of inspiration photo's on pinterest.

Doodle's Coop
Rose, that is an adorable puppy! The floors look great too.

Welcome to all the new members. Please be sure to join us for this years Chickenstock. It's a great way to meet a bunch of nice folks!
Sorry for those that won't be able to make it, maybe there will be another one planned for the fall.

Opa, that is a cute puppy. So glad things turned out for the good.

I must admit that working on a boat during all of this rain makes me think that perhaps my name should be Noah.

Just wanted to update...my beautiful BO is doing much better, I think that she will make a full recovery. No mareks...
On a sad note my 6 year old cat Mittens was sitting in an open window and the screen pushed out and he fell out and ran.
Glad the chicken is better. I hope your cat shows up and is ok.
Welcome to all newbies!!!

I am an Uncle again!!!! As some of you remember that my Brother #1 and his wife had lost a baby boy last year. Well, Brother #2 and his wife just had a beautiful healthy baby girl! Born May 30th, Eliza Joy. 4 lbs, 15 oz, 19 inches long.

Congrats Daron! Beautiful family!!

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