Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Figures, the DAY AFTER Chickenstock (where I passed up all kinds of cool hatching eggs) my hen goes broody.
After all the fun of yesterday at MICS-13, I am rather bored today.
It is way too quiet here without any birds. Even the dogs seem sad.
After all the fun of yesterday at MICS-13, I am rather bored today. 
It is way too quiet here without any birds. Even the dogs seem sad.

So sorry, RaZ...:-(
Sure pups are sad. My one kitty sat outside the door where I had the brooder/chicks for a whole week & scratched at the door & cried after I took the birds outside to their coop.

He is so happy that there are now 2 birds currently under quarantine in there!
Thank you for those who shared or traded for the wonderful plants - they are going to keep me busy tonight and tomorrow. And thank you for the strawberries Mish (yumm!) - I shared a couple with the chickens and now they won't leave me alone!!! Glam, I love the pysanky, too, it's just beautiful.
Kimmie - thank you for letting me hang with your family. I love your mom! She reminds me so much of my Grams . . .
No thank you so much for the help you are an awesome person!!!!!!!
I had a wonderful time even though it was hot got sick from my lupus stupid lupus I hate it sooooo much, it's trying to kill me.

The food was so good, Sam and Hope your smoked chicken was soooooooooo good, Sam how bout some smoked fish next year? Who made the cranberry stuff it was so good. The beans that had every kind of bean was good to who made that? I need recipes please. I set all my eggs today hopefully it will be a good hatch.

That was so funny Raz almost forgot my Grandson, I bet my daughter wouldn't of thought that was funny I havn't told her yet she went to a Tigers game. Sounded like it was a good one to go to.
Thanks Raz for the Golden Sebrigts (spelling) they are so beautiful and feisty

I was not happy that I didn't get my name in the raffle, who got my little purse I wonder? It was fun making it.

Next year I will have a easy up an ice chest with lots of ice. Plants, hatching eggs, chicks maybe, aprons who knows what else. I think I will use my hubby's truck that why I can put my garden wagon in there and cart all my stuff. I just can't do things like I used to.

I had a great time at CS13. Good people, good food, good time.

I even enjoyed the quinoa dish.
Even though I still don't know what it is.

The entertainment portion of the event was fun to watch. The loose chicken wrangling dance is always entertaining.
Oh Raz I felt like a big dummy letting that roo loose but we got him in there fast enough. Thank goodness I brought the grandson home,

My guess is my mom. The little egg in back is an OEG so it is small.

Farm Free or Die in Maine

to cover the park fees and help with some of the cost of the meats. Which is great cause it means someone didn't have to pay for it all out of pocket like in previous years.

lucky they didn't roll off

farmerboy, Grace is a real sweet heart!!
glad we got to talk if only for a few min.
Calico Baked Beans.

It is very easy to make. All you need is a large slow cooker for maximum beanage.

I don't make it the same way every time but essentially it has one can of each:

Kidney beans
Pinto beans
Chick peas
Black beans
Baby lima beans
Butter beans
Pork and beans
Red beans
Green beans
Wax beans
Black-eyed peas
Navy beans
Darn near any other bean that you can think of
Ham and/or bacon (I have also used ground beef)
Brown sugar (I don't measure how much)
Honey and or maple syrup (again I don't measure)

I drain the light liquid from the beans but use the heavy syrupy liquid as is. I try to avoid getting the mix too soupy. If it gets too thick, add a bit of water. Crocking on low blends the flavours better but you can crock on high for a quicker turn around.

Sample often while crocking and add brown sugar, honey or maple syrup to taste.

I want to try a batch using spicy beans, chilies and hot sausage.
Ok so last week I removed water from my ducks for the overnight just to try to help out the dirt floor pen.

This eve I just locked the crew up and I feel badly... It's hot! Is this ok? I let them out early, 7:30 am or so.

Thanks y'all for all the work organizing the CS event. I enjoyed myself & love my egg. Have to say tho I hope next time there are more of those crocheted hot pads!!! :) Beautiful indeed, as many many other items! Lady, your yarn. Amazing. Wish I'd grabbed a card. Please PM me with your website, I know some knitters who would love your yarn. Thanks again. :)

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