Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

are you sure it is an egg eater? could be a critter getting in and eating the eggs or the shells could be thin and when the hens get in the nest box they break
We caught her in the act. Goopy beak, and all. I think we're making progress, though.

Did bumble foot surgery thus morning. Soaked her feet in warm Epsom salt for about 15 minutes before going about things. One scab peeled right off and I didn't see any signs of stuff under it.
Good job!

I've been eying the "wild grape" vines over by my birds for making jelly. They are a wild grape/ tame grape cross or something because they are big like store grapes, but have the seed and "booger" of the wild; whatever they are they sure pack a lot of flavor!

So far my birds have been the only enjoyers of them but i wanna try making some jelly. I've made jam, but no jelly...... but i want to figure out how to go au naturele and not use "pectin"
I made some plum jam using plums, honey and chia seeds. It tastes great, but can really only be made in smaller quantites, as it won't keep long.
Someone shared this with me on FB and I used it for my plum jam.
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Quote:Originally Posted by taprock
I was asking a lady who knows chickens much more than I about this because mine eat apples all the time, I give them a bucket at a time with no problems. She told me if they are raised they become immune. Also I have a lot of chickens so no one bird is getting very much. She also warned me that there is the chance of passing the toxic elements into the egg if they are hens and get too much.

this makes sense. It was their first time, and i only have a few birds. Live and learn!
5 loves of Pumpkin,Zuccini bread and a peach cobbler cooling sure smells good in here
Sounds like we had the same plan today...4 loaves zucchini bread for me; 3 dozen Golden Harvest muffins (shredded apples, carrots base..(thx Opa 4 the apples :) )). Yesterday was blanching & freezing corn & salsa making (too bad one of the jars didn't seal, had to have chips, salsa & ice cream for dinner; the ice cream as this batch has a VERY nice bite). Have a HUGE tub of green beans to tackle next. My crop was a TOTAL bust this year. BUT, neighbor called this morn, they didn't get to the ones they picked last night & were heading out of town for the week. "Do you want them?" Oh yea! The one thing I was out of was frozen GBs...phew....crisis averted...
I move my broodies___in the dead of night, with as little lighting as I can tolerate__ to a large dog crate with food, water, and bedding, right in the coop. Works great; try for as little disturbance as possible, and leave them in until the babies are about a week old for safety. Make sure that the tiny chicks can't get out of the crate, as I've had losses with baby bantams in the past. Mary
I move my broodies___in the dead of night, with as little lighting as I can tolerate__ to a large dog crate with food, water, and bedding, right in the coop. Works great; try for as little disturbance as possible, and leave them in until the babies are about a week old for safety. Make sure that the tiny chicks can't get out of the crate, as I've had losses with baby bantams in the past. Mary
Here's the thread I've been following: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/236649/bumblefoot-surgery-with-pics-and-how-to/380#post_11912976

It looks like you've caught it early. You may get away with just the Epson soaks. I never found kernels in any of the 4 affected feet, because it was early yet. Good luck. I hope someone else chimes in and says I'm wrong, it's a callus, but that looks classic to me.

For the record, both of our birds who got it are doing great now.
I have a bumble foot hen I tried to get it off but I couldn't seem to get it all, so I wrapped it up after a few days took the wrap off and found out I had it on to tight and made her leg and between the toes bleed. She is still with use, the bumble is now hanging off the side and she don't limp anymore, yay. I thought she was a goner though.
What breeds of dogs do you think this dog has in her? She goes to see Dr. Pol on Tuesday for a check up and shots and an appointment to get spayed. Sweet dog but not housebroke hence the leash.
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So excited that my coop is mostly done! Just a few more things to do before the chicks move in!
Inside still needs a few things fixed. Got to build the roost bar, do the shingles, and finish the pop door. Can't wait!

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