Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Not really, my run is covered with heavy-weight poultry netting. I once watched a good-sized hawk bounce off the top like it was a trampoline - boy was he surprised! My birds only free range when I can be with them, and due to the snow not at all this time of year. I have seen in my back yard stray dogs, foxes, coyotes, bobcat, bald eagle, hawks, and I know there are weasels around too. I love the wildlife, so built a predator-proof enclosure.
Howdy, nice to meet you. Just wondering what kinds of chicken do you have and how long have you been raising them?
Well, I've only been raising chickens since last April. there's 3 black sex links, and then 3 white hens that I just got from the TSC in Saline. I figured that this year would be mostly be me learning how to do it and getting stuff built for them. No sense in getting some really fancy chickens to have around to be part of my learning curve. I built a pretty solid tractor for them and covered it in hardware cloth and tin barn siding and I haven't had any problems yet with critters getting into my girls. hardware cloth is pretty tough, it stood up to a big black lab bouncing off of it. And the smaller size of the spaces between the wires, half inch by half inch, means things like weasels and mice can't get in as well.
ayam cemani eggs are not black
to bad that would be cool

Who has the Cemani in Michigan? I haven't read all of the posts

Great looking birds! Just oh so expensive
I don't know who has them, I looked them up on line, as I have never heard of them before. $400 ea, to much for my blood. I would have a heart attach if one died
the prices for these birds are now 250 or less for each one...you can buy directly from the importer for this price....morning hope everyone has a wonderful day
I'm all confused and confounded by this thread now. In the past two years my heart has been broken and fixed two different times. My life has been really disrupted to the point of being unable to perform even simple tasks, like making posts here. I have from time to time been able to read some, but missed several thousand posts and the closing and reopening of the site. Just discovered that. I have missed the chicken chatter. Hope to be able to keep up better in future. Thanks for being. Bob.
So sorry to hear that you are having health problems!! I sure do hope you are on the mend.
Many posters have gone to the wayside, but many have joined us. RaZ can't seem to stay out of trouble, but the rest of us are behaving... kind of!
Welcome back!
Bob, while some of the from two years ago no longer post, many new people have taken their place. The one thing that has remained constant is the friendliness and helpful attitude. Sorry to read that your health has been giving you problems. Glad you're back.

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