Michigan Thread - all are welcome!


Thawed pork butt. Made deep hole with long knife and filled hole with good amount of adobo and sofrito mix. Put on baking pan and cover with foil. Place in refrigerator for at least 24hrs. That one was 48hrs. When ready to cook, place in middle rack of oven, still covered at 350. Leave for 3hrs. Turn and cover for 3 more hours. Depending on oven, you may adjust to 300 or 275. Turn to leave skin if any on top without cover and put for maybe 30 min or until skin gets crisp. Mine didn't on that one. Pull out and let is cool and get gloves and get crazy with it,lol

Sofrito mix: I blend to liquid, onions, bell peppers any color,garlic,cilantro, culantro,basil,and oregano. I always make a freeze then keep one in refrigerator for all cooking except white rice. But sometimes I make sofrito rice which is just adding sofrito to how I make rice. For meats like this, I put amount on a bowl and mix in Adobe Goya with pepper. I mix it it a paste and for this I filled the holes and rub around it. The leftover paste I used it for the rice. In Ian iron pot put the mix with avocado oil or any oil you use. Kind of fry that mix, and the pigeon peas or beans and then the rice. I prefer long rice, but same amount of water to amount of rice. Some people add half cup more. I like my rice to be cooked but not moosh just rather loose. You can add a plantain leave or banana leave to cover it once dried but I didn't have any this time.

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