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Personally I would never hatch chicks this late in the year if I have to take care of them. Letting the broody hen to the work is another story. It's amazing how cold it can be and the chicks still thrive under momma.
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Thanks Opa. I have only hatched spring and summer, and always with a broody. It can be quite cool in the spring still. She was very adamant about sitting, so I just let her go. I hope she is a good mama, I have not had a mean mama yet. I sure hope this goes as easy as all the others.
Congrats on selling some hens Hillbilly, I am sure they will enjoy them as much as I do mine.

catray and brianna: Hope you both feel better soon.
Good Morning!

Good luck Opa getting all of your projects done!
Freebie- have a great vacation and I hope your van repair is speedy!
Hill Billy Roo- Congrats on selling some hens and the bonus roo! HEHEHE that is the way to get rid of them

I got up at 5am, went and exersiced, came home took care of the dog, showered and had breakfast almost done before the sun started to rise. It was a wonderful sunrise though!!!!

Today is my youngest birthday today! Nathan is 3 years old. He keep asking where his birthday was, as if it was a thing instead of a day. Too cute! Off to get everyone started on school.

Enjoy the weather today!
Good Afternoon everyone,

got 2 pumpkin pies baking
i cooked down some of the pie pumpkins i grew, they smell so good, for the topping i mix roasted walnut hot Carmel and the other one i roasted pecans with hot Carmel and when the pies are done baking i will put that on the top, Chuck and kids like whipped toping so i wiped up some of that so they can put that on their pie for desert today. cant wait, i keep getting the nut toping, I'm going to make myself sick and there wont be any left for the pie, but it tasted so good,

Well my double yolk duck baby didn't make it, it looks like it died about day 19 or 20, and then i to others that died about 21 or 22, something must of happened in those days with them or the incubator,

but i did have 2 that made it
one is bigger than other, the smaller one, it bill is a little bent down at the end, went to take pics and my camera wont even turn on, so now i have to go buy a new, due to i need for work, always something

but they are so cute, we named one nibbles, when your holding it, it just nibbles away at you, didn't tell the kids, but its probably it want to eat, the other one we called peanut, because its half the size of the other one.
they are Rouen x Magpie, cant wait to see what they grow up looking like.

Oh I hope its nice Saturday for the kids, and us, were going to my sister-laws, they live in Washington twp, at 31 and between mound and Van Dyke, they live in a sub so we go around there and then we go in to town, and one of the streets the house all get together and put all kind of Halloween displays, its a lot of fun, but wont be if its rainy and cold, then all you hear is I'm cold

I thought when the time changed in fall, that we had more day light in the evening, and the mornings would be dark?

Well off to finish these pies and go out and clean the duck coop
Beautiful weather outside!

The rat flunked its swimming test....trap is reset and I am figuring there was more than one in the coop.

My dear husband is trying to fix the dryer. We thought it was the heating element, took it in and it wasn't. Looks like it is a safety mechanism. Seeing if these parts work so I can be back in business of drying clothes!

Off to finish up school work with the kids. Nathan is having a fun time on his birthday. Had cake and icecream after lunch. Jon is bowling tonight, so we did it early so he could be here

Bad news on the van...needs an engine. Good thing the DH is a mechanic. Makes it bit less expensive. But still a bummer. another good thing..I am on vacation till Monday, so there is no where that I HAVE to be.

Hillbilly, my broody is one of the buffs I got from you this summer. She sure is a nice bird. And seems to be a great mom.

I went out this morning to feed the DH's piglets, and one of them is so weird. I filled her dish and the first thing she did was spill it all over the floor. Then she picked up the dish in her mouth and put that dish in her water pan. She then stands in the water pan with her front feet only and eats the littl bit of food out of the food dish that she did not spill on the floor. My husband said she just started doing that. I guess she likes her food floating.
My chickens are doing this to the nest boxes too. I think I wil try putting a tarp over the boxes at night to see if this will help as I too hate cleaning the boxes out everyday

You will have to let us know how it works for you Opa.
See you, Hope and Granny on Wed. If you don't get all the apples pick maybe we could help you Wed. too
Is your broody a Buff Orpington? I have one that went broody twice this year...and I'm hoping she doesn't try again till spring...

That's funny about your piglet....pigs are crazy.

Hope everyone had a great Monday.
Denise, maybe you should put some apples in that pigs water bucket and see if he likes bobbin' for apples.

Yesterday I pulled all the caribou and some of the venison out of the freezer and let it thaw. Today I picked up 15 lbs of pork trimmings and then ground everything up. I then made 40 lbs of summer sausage and 15 lbs of jerky. Tomorrow the sausage goes in the smoker and the jerky into the dehydrators. I still have about 30 lbs left in the freezer and I going to thaw that and then pressure can it.

Sure was nice not having to clean out the nest boxes this morning. I should have draped them a long time ago. Now as long as I get out to the coop early each morning to open the nests I'll be all set.
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