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Good Afternoon!

My daughter Gretchen's Sunday school class made their families breakfast this morning. A great time and a good breakfast

Eventful morning too------ Today is our dog Leo's 1st birthday
So unknown to me, all the kids came out and gave him treats this morning.... SOOOOOO We had a suprise when we came home from church. The dog messed all in his kennel and on himself. The dog got a bath and the kennel and surrounding area is cleaned up.

We finally caught something in the small animal trap........ a rat! I am figuring that is what has been digging. His/Her body size is the same as the holes. I am hoping that it doesn't have any friends

Off to get lunch for everyone now

And yes, we were invited to parties this weekend and just didn't go due to the weather.
Briana- I am glad that you are doing better. Nothing scarier than not being able to breathe!

Worked on siding the large fowl chicken coop today and siding the portion that abuts the run was a pain. Since it is so dark now inside the runs I think that tomorrow I will run electricity out there and install lights. I got to do everything I can to make sure the cost of having fresh egg stays over $100 per dozen.
No history of asthma. Begining to think I am getting it though. This is the third time in a month that it has happened. The first time allergy meds helped, second allergy meds and breathing treatment this time ER and steroids to get it gone. I will be at the Dr. tomorrow.

Good luck keeping the cost of those eggs up Opa. Sounds like it won't be hard though.
Quick funny story. Our new Buff Orp roo we introduced a couple weeks ago found a woman of his own today.
My smallest silkie hen.
What is with my roosters, the little silkie rooster will only mate with the big Buff Orp and BR girls and the big ol' Buff roo is only mating the little silkies.
Crazy chickens!!!
No history of asthma. Begining to think I am getting it though. This is the third time in a month that it has happened. The first time allergy meds helped, second allergy meds and breathing treatment this time ER and steroids to get it gone. I will be at the Dr. tomorrow.

Good luck keeping the cost of those eggs up Opa. Sounds like it won't be hard though.

I am glad you are going to the doctors about it. I had a lot of chest stuff as a kid, but was never diagnosed with asthma. When I was in my 30's it hit with a vengence. I found out I probably had it always, but did not recognise it. Coughs that didn't go away and every cold seemed to go to my chest. It will be good for you to find your triggers !

I'm on my third cup of coffee but still can't seem to get motivated. I need to go out to the coop and uncover the nest boxes. I've had a problem with birds roosting in the nest box and I finally got tired out cleaning them out every morning. I installed a curtain ofer the boxes to prevent that but I think I also made more work for myself.

I need to shake the apple trees so that I can finally get done with picking up apples. Then I've about a gazillion leaves I need to deal with. Supposedly we won't be getting in rain today so maybe I can get all that accomplished.
Morning everyone.

I was able to sell some hens sunday!!!

Sold mostly the older ones because they didnt want to pay for the ones just starting to lay. I also threw in a rooster which they didnt expect that is one way to get rid of them.
good morning all. So, I am now on vacation. Is sure has started with a bang. Thank goodness I don't have any plans to go on a trip. While taking my DD back to MSU last night, my van broke. Some pully broke and a belt came off. It overheated and stalled. Now it will not start. It is at the shop now and I am awaiting a phone call. I have tons to do here at the house, but now I feel like I am grounded. lol.

I do have a broody sitting on 6 eggs, one of which hatched yesterday. I am sure the others are right behind. Sure hope the rest hatch today. Do you all think I need to put a heat lamp in the coop for the babies, or will mom take care of that? I was thinking of putting one in the corner. I know that she will not use it, as it really is not that cold right now.
Hi Freebie (Denise). I'm kind of wondering something similiar myself. I have a frizzle who completely drives me crazy. She's gone 100% broody - AGAIN - and every attempt at getting her out of the nest fails. She is not even sitting on an egg! I'm at wits end with her and was wondering if I should just go ahead and stick couple eggs under her (hoping they are fertilized) or if we should just get her processed next month. I hate to process her, she's our only frizzle.

But, if we let her sit on eggs and she does hatch a chick or two out.... will they survive with just mom and a 100 watt heat light in the hen house?? I hope it's o.k. that I chimed in, considering I don't have any advice
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