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I have some knowledge of black powder since for the last 7 yrs that is all have used. Not much with pistols. I would have to see them and then look up the requirements for the correct powder. Just a safety nut when it comes to black powder have seen it go wrong before.

I know that they have different grains that they use for pistols the internet or the manufactor might have it on line. Do you still have the books or manuel that came with them?

That will be good for when it is snowing they will not be so heavy to carry..
Opa: You are a great writer and so knowlegable about a lot of things. Keep on sharing with us please.

YakLady: I miss you too...but gosh you're on a farm now and always something to do to keep ya busy. Heck Ive been here 28 yrs and I can go out to any of the 4 barns and find something to update or repair. Glad your husband enjoys working around there as much as you do. Hurry back soon and Happy Thanksgiving.

Sarah: glad your family is on the mend. Still have your sister in law in my thoughts and prayers.

Catray44: Im voter number 13063. Wonder if we can vote daily? As if so, I'll set my server to do it each day.

Been a very lazy day here so far. Repaired 2 computers, collected eggs, did chores and laundry. Now gonna make some home made mac/cheese with stewed tomatos with chunks of ham in it for supper. My hens love it lol Last time I made it, they ate more than I did. Which ment I didnt have any for left overs.

Hope everyone enjoyed this sunny day. Probably the last one we're gonna see for a while.
I just voted for her. Strange thing.... I was checking out Craigslist a couple of weeks ago to see what was up for sale. I found an ad for electrical spools. I wasn't really interested in electrical spools, but there was a link to her blog with instructions on how to turn one of those things into a table. Once again, not my cup of tea...but.... I clicked the link. I found her blog to be quite interesting and entertaining. I still didn't want a spool, but I did use her recipe for home-made onion rolls and pulled pork that night. Boy, did my hubby ever love dinner THAT night!
jumping in to say HEYYYYYY today everyone. i have just been ca razay lately. it's nutty when your days get packed with what seems like nothing, but at the same time everything!

our thanksgiving day turkey is going in the smoker and will be delish! he plucked out gorgeously!

if anyone has any good remedies for a killer migraine, please share. i have had one for two days straight. it's not letting up. my whole head feels tender.
starting to get that 'if i could only toss my cookies, i would feel so much better' feeling. ugh.

so grateful this thanksgiving season for everything. we are so blessed in this country for so much. our chicken coops are nicer than most people's homes in other countries.

have a good evening all!
Thought I'd take a few minutes and cruise BYC. Hope is fixing supper, leftover venison roast. Listening to the news. Can't believe that anyone would get excited about "Black Friday". I understand some stores are opening at 4am. I can understand get up in the middle of the night to insure getting to a hunting spot before daylight; but to go shopping. Makes absolutely no sense at all. If I were to get up that early to go shopping I think they would take my "man card" and put it in the trash with Boyd's.

Hope everyone is going to have a nice Thanksgiving. David and Amy are going to the Lions vs Green Bay game so it will be the first Thanksgiving he hasn't stuck his feet under my table since he got out of the Army in 1988. Granny has made a Red Velvet cake and has several other things she wants to fix tomorrow. Fixing a smoked turkey and a honey baked ham for dinner. Hope is making a corn and pepper casserole that is one of my favorite side dishes. I'm fixing an hors d'oeuvre with venison sausage and smoked cheese that I've made. I don't think finding enough to eat is going to be a problem. Two of my brothers and their wives will join us so Granny is pretty happy. Friday is her birthday so having 3 of her sons together is a big deal to her.
The heck with getting up to shop for Black Friday. You can sit at your computer at 12:01am on Thursday/Friday night and shop all the stores online for the same items. Crazy Chicken Fever use to every year, beg me to go...heck with that I just shopped from the computer in comfort.

Smoked Turkey is one of my favs. Good friends father owns a commercial turkey farm in MN and he sends me one every 4-6 months and believe me, I DO NOT SHARE it lol I savor every morsel.

Im using a garden dehydrator that I got off craigs list a couple weeks ago to dry out some apple slices with cashews and honey on top. I'll be the taste tester tomorrow and cant wait until thanksgiving day..the grand babies will be flying on all that sugar. Gosh I love being a Grammy. LOL

Anyone that hasnt gotten their turkey yet Kroger those sneaky ones, have them for $0.29 a pound as a few select stores. You need to go to their site, go to the store locator and type in your zip code then set it for up to 20 miles away. It will list a few stores and just click each ones VIEW WKLY AD button and the turkey is on the first page that loads. If it says $0.49 a pound, hit your back button and click the next store. I only found 2 stores near me and CCF picked up 2 tonight and I'll get 4 more tomorrow. Cant go wrong paying $5.00 for a 17 pound bird. Happy shopping.

Here's the link to put your zip code in:

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