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Got a late start this morning....I got to sleep in! And Jack (kid #4) woke me up at 7:30
I do have a 7 mile run tomorrow at 6am!

I need to go out and move the duck pen. A cowbird type bird flew in to get a drink of water and the call ducks killed it! Emily does not want to remove it, and I don't blame her!

Have a great day everyone!

I cannot wait til our get together this summer!
Is today the big day?

Happy Birthday!

Mind if I join in this morning.
I'm stuck covering the front desk at work and there's not much to do but sit and wait till my purgatory is over at 10ish...

How long have you guys been on this forum?
How long have you had chickens? I did once a long time ago.

and I'm getting excited cause the chicks arrive in 2 wks!

I have been on since last April.
I got chickens last March/April.... We had chickens about 8 years ago for the kids in 4-H, had ducks too.
Good luck with your new babies, you will have to post pics. What kind are you getting?
Wylie, I too am looking forward to the get together. I had DH schedule one of his vacation days that Friday so he would for sure have the Saturday off. He never knows ahead of time if he has to work on a Saturday.
Chickenstock last year was great but none of us knew what to expect. This year should be even better. We've had a year to get to know each other a little better and we've be able to add more members. So I too am really looking forward to it. If you think you will be going please sign up. We are trying to put together some things and it will help if we can show how about how many will be attending.

I got the new nest box installed yesterday and hopefully it will stymie the egg eaters. I guess today will be a good day to spend working in the shop. Repairing and refinishing the Hoosier cabinet has been a big task. I wish I had taken pictures of it before I started refinishing it. I will post a picture when it's finished. Just have a cabinet that we can store all of the cookbooks in will be a big help. We have so many cook books that it would be impossible to live long enough to try each recipe once.
Opa, did you see the pic I posted of mine? I look forward to seeing yours when it is finished. I also wanted to ask you if you could bring some printed instructions on how to make a smoker from a freezer to chickenstock. I would greatly appreciate it since we have this freezer just sitting here needing to be put to use.
By the way, the nestbox looks great!
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I'm getting Salmon Faverolles, 12 hens and 2 roos - (we'll see which one gets to stay)

I thought about coming to chickenstock in lansing, I wouldn't participate in anything, just stop over to check it out.

My regular job is a facility manager, I'd rather do that than be a receptionist! I was just covering for her this morning!
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Morning all! Anyone even remotely thinking about coming (or not) to Chickenstock should definitely come!! It was a blast!! Don't worry about not knowing anyone, many of us are or were like that and that is how we got to know each other!! Everyone was extremely friendly!! The food was amazing, there was games for the kids, animals to admire, buy or swap, stories to tell, many laughs and smiles, it was one of the best times I had all year!
Good Afternoon! How's it going all? You don't have to come to chickenstock to buy or trade...just come to meet everyone and have a great time and eat lots of good food!! I took the dogs for a long walk. What a work out...still some deep snow drifts out in the fields. It's just feels so good to walk outside! Better than a treadmill or the wii. Have a good day!
Okay everyone-

I promised my husband that I would take all my extra hatchlings with me to ChickenStock- so you have to promise me that between all of you, I wont return home with the same ones.

OPA- I wish my husband had your abilities when it came to making my coop...it would be so nice not to have to hunch over and reach across roosts to get to my eggs. Those boxes are very nice.

Yay its the weekend!!!!
We had a staff meeting today that stunk. But now I am free for the weekend. I have to go to the funeral home tomorrow. My exhusbands grandmother passed away yesterday in her sleep. Sad. But if you gotta go, that is the way to do it. Very peacefully.

eggs are coming Monday- incubator is holding at 100 degrees. Im ready to sit and stare at eggs for a long three weeks and be neurotic about temp. fluctuations. And my stinkin cats. This year will be different now that I have my two juvenile delinquent kitten/cats. They get into everything and cause trouble all day long.

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