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Good morning all... I have a strange question today. My girls are in a very secure run and hen house...(13in trench dug in clay and filled with chicken wire and and full shingled roof) and locked up at night so I don't worry about anything getting in. However at 1 AM one of the girls started to cluck loudly, my husband and I jumped out of bed and checked on them, they seemed calm. Of course we turned lights on so if anything was by the coop it took off.

This has never happened before and I know they go into a trance at night but would they cluck if they sensed danger????

Thanks again for all your help...happy Wed.

hello! It is a chilly morning,, we can't complain though.. the south has been burning up for weeks now. Ours will come next week.. 90's on the horizon.
I have just started with 9 chicks... I am new to this... they seem to be getting big... they were hatched on April 12th.
I live in Macomb Michigan...

Good morning to you also, I am so new to this that I don't have an answer to that question but I wanted to comment on how nice you have protected your chickens...You have to be a caring person. It is a cold one... this morning... My son said that when the fall comes he will make me a run with a shingled roof.. I can't wait... my husband isn't handy anymore... so my run is not what I want for my girls... they are protected but I want to make sure. what kind of things do you feed your ladies... I go to them in the morning and night and say "Hello Ladies"... they come running to the fence to see what I have brought them... I think I am spoiling them...

Howdy Gallinamama:

We dug the trench in clay in 90 degree sunny weather..not a fun day. Here is a pic


I feed them Crumbles for TSC.. and I can't think of the name right now. I spoil mine too....
Wow that is a nice run. Is it about a 8 ft.. or 10... mine is a little over 8 x 8 run.. I wanted a bigger one.. but my husband was not in the mood to do it bigger.. I dug and dug that day.. and the day before.. He didn't want to dig down any further... but once this fall comes my son will have enough time to help me more. He did put up a huge feeder my son in law made for me.. and the boxes for their nests... but they don't seem to want to go in them... maybe they are ready yet.. I have sand in my run.... my husband gets it at work...

forgot to say that I will posts pictures when I get it almost finished... I need to paint it and plant some things... I am kindof embarrised because of some of the beautiful coops I have seen. My nine little ladies are doing really great.. some of them let me pet them but some of the light tan ones are not as friendly..They start to let me pet them then they get jealous if I am petting another one... they are selfish little things...

Welcome to the new posters. Food and treats, it does work well to get the chickens to "like" you. I go out every afternoon with left overs from breakfast or lunch. Even if it is just the heals of bread. I think they look forward to see me.
Hello to the new BYCers! Nice to meet you!! I agree about the treats! Our 12 girls can hear us coming out of the house and meet us at the run door. Most of them won't let us pet them, but they are all nice and they will eat from our hand. I think that chickens aren't meant to be animals that we treat like dogs though. They are so much fun to watch that I don't miss petting them. Ours are having a ball with all of the japanese beetles around right now. My daughter and I go out with a little bucket of water and collect them. Then we put the whole bucket in the run and they play "bobbing for beetles"! They LOVE it!!!
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