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Huston's Happy Hens :

BTW, Buttercup and his SLW are housed now w/14 Cinammon Queens....they'll all be joing the adult flock soon...hoping that by adding so many at one time, the bickering and picking will be kept to a minimum! What's your guess?? -

My boy is getting 15 hens!!!

Thats how I add the teenagers to the flock. As a group and young which dosnt seem to threaten any of the older hens and they pretty much leave them alone. Mine have their own coop at the moment but they all free range together.​
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Any Southeast MI folks want a barred rock rooster for free? I have a roo that needs a good home. I don't have room for him. I live in blissfield close to Adrian and toledo 30 mins south of AA. Willing to drop him off.
good Evening!

Welcome new folks!

Our chickens absoultely love cat food! The boys (3 and 5) feed it to them sometimes as treats. We feed them all of our table scraps too.

Off to bed. sounds like they are working on the freeway....gonna have to close my window tonight! One of the down falls of living along I-96 on one side and the rail road tracks on the other.
Good morning... I posted this yesterday and didn't get an answer so I am posting again because I am still baffled....does anyone out there know why I had a hen start clucking at 1 am?????


Here was my original question:

Good morning all... I have a strange question today. My girls are in a very secure run and hen house...(13in trench dug in clay and filled with chicken wire and and full shingled roof) and locked up at night so I don't worry about anything getting in. However at 1 AM one of the girls started to cluck loudly, my husband and I jumped out of bed and checked on them, they seemed calm. Of course we turned lights on so if anything was by the coop it took off.

This has never happened before and I know they go into a trance at night but would they cluck if they sensed danger????

Thanks again for all your help...happy Wed.

Sorry ... no answer Cruiser! Can they see out the windows? Maybe she saw something or another chicken moved and pinched her and she panicked... who knows what could be going through her little chicky brain.
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My hens do sound off a warning call if they see or hear something outside the coop at night. Even my neighbor starting up his harley will get them clucking a bit. However it could have just been a stray cat walking by. I had a BO almost stroke out when my barn cat Magoo walked by and she sees this cat several times during the day. Must be scarerer at night.
I havent notice a trance state at night, they just dont seem to be able to see in the dark very well. I notice this with my turkeys as well.
I wouldnt ignore the cluking though thinking its nothing. Go check just for your own piece of mind or you will never get to sleep!!
I have a beautiful, non aggressive rooster that I need to find a good home for. He's from Shelleyb's hatch. Not sure on the hatch date, but he is just starting to crow. He's a cross of Blue Wheaton Ameraucan and EE. Please, he's just too pretty for a stew pot! Pictures to follow as soon as I figure out how to do it!

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My hens do sound off a warning call if they see or hear something outside the coop at night. Even my neighbor starting up his harley will get them clucking a bit. However it could have just been a stray cat walking by. I had a BO almost stroke out when my barn cat Magoo walked by and she sees this cat several times during the day. Must be scarerer at night.
I havent notice a trance state at night, they just dont seem to be able to see in the dark very well. I notice this with my turkeys as well.
I wouldnt ignore the cluking though thinking its nothing. Go check just for your own piece of mind or you will never get to sleep!!

Thanks, I kind of thought they may have seen something, we have fox and racoon...and we were out there as soon as we heard it. It just has never happened before so I was curious.
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