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HBH I am glad your FIL is improving- continued prayers from here.

My mom is home now- yay I don't have to try and make it back and forth to her house to care for her critters along with my own..

Had a great weekend, great fireworks display at the beach Saturday night..yesterday, relaxed with the ducks and chickens...and rescued a hen.

My brother in law is out of town and we went over to feed his animals- and he still has too many roosters. They had sent six to freezer camp at my nagging about a month ago, but he still has way too many.
I rescued a hen that is almost completely naked-she has some wing feathers and some tail feathers and a bit of a beard. She has old gashes and new gashes on her sides. She can live here, in paradise, and get feathers and be fat and happy, and eat grass and forage and have an easy life now. Poor thing.
She has a bad sunburn- what should I put on her? Anything?

I have to work today. My husband doesnt. He's loving that.

You all have a great day!
Sure looks like we've got a hot miserable week ahead of us. Sure glad that I've got 5+ gallon reservoirs for all of my waterers. It's amazing how much water chickens can go through in a day. I've got fans in my large fowl coop so that should help keep the birds for getting to hot when they go inside. I've got a busy work week scheduled and all of this heat isn't going to make it very pleasant.

I've got to build a couple of small coops for a friends quail. He has a cyclone fence dog run that he no longer uses. I offered to buy it and he says build be two boxes for my quail and you can have it. I may use it to expand the one I'm currently using.
Good morning Jon, hope you're able to stay cool today. Looks like it will be a scorcher. We're headed up to Cohoctah for a hog roast around noon. My son's church always has a hog roast immediately following the parade. The parade never is much and with it being held today I think it will be even less. I told David that I think about the only thing different this year is that the kids will be a little taller.
Morning guys. It's going to be bad one today. I hope everyone stays cool. We have some blue jersey giant from wynette incubating, so I have to keep a close eye on them today.

We didn't do much for the holidays. We watched fireworks from our driveway, and had a bonfire. I took the remaining 3 roosters to Geyers on Saturday, and they did much better than the previous 3. I got over 20 dollars for all three of them. The dark red BCM did the best at $8.00 dollars. The owner asked what I was feeding them because they are huge for 5 months old. He said he was going to start raising those big bastards himself.

We moved our remaining bantam girls into the old bachelor pad, and they love it. We have 4 silkie girls, one blue japanese bantam, one BB red phoenix, and one golden sebright. The sebright, phoenix, and jap bantam are all laying.

I am going to Rhode Island this weekend for my brother's wedding. It will be good to see my brother, and his wife, but I haven't decided yet if it will be good to see old friends we grew up with.
I'm still considered the strange, oddball one after all these years.
I'm sure I'll be talked about after I leave too.

So that's my weekend in a nutshell. It was quiet, but I like quiet.


It's as bad there as it is here right now. That's ok though, my brother has a pool, and the ocean isn't far either.
Hopefully, the ocean won't be too warm, the sharks will come in close.

Good Morning!

Last night one of my hubby's friends amputated Rachel's hen with the broken wing. Gangreen had set in, so hopefully she will pull through ok. it bled like crazy, so we ducktaped it all up. Good old hillbilly fix. She is in a cat carrier eating and drinking this morning. Mad that she isn't out with the others. I figured we had to do something or she would die anyways. One of Rachel's favorite hens too. That always seems to be the case with illness and injurys and deaths.

Keep cool you guys!

Thanks Wylie.
I was pleasantly surprised myself, but I took good care of them, and they were well fed. I figured it was worth the time and feed to make sure they were healthy and happy.

Our 24 year old cat Ivan is feeling under the weather.
Hopefully, he pulls thru. It appers he has an ear infection which I've started treating. He doesn't do well at the vets office. He's been black listed at a few. He was named Ivan the terrible for a reason.

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