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I thought we were going to miss the snow and rain mix.. I was wrong! Got home from teaching and there was 3 inches on the driveway with ice under.
Fast drive down tho'. Unfortunately, the drive up may not be so good ... it is the 60 foot incline in 180 feet that gets me every time
the 2 S curves are nothing .. unless it is REALLY icy
But got another 5 seed catalogs - so Spring IS ON THE WAY!!
I got the newest Heronswood Catalog in the mail a week or so ago and have spent about $100,000 in my dreams since.
i DID it! I went to TSC and didnt bring home anything alive!!!
Oh I wanted to! They had bantams and Ameracaunas and Red-sex links and black sex links..and ducklings...and I had my husband with me. To remind me that we are giving away things on Sunday...to DOWNSIZE...and that I have an incubator FULL of eggs. Due in the next two weeks.
darn voice of reason.


In other news, my white cell count wont go down. I have been on IV antibiotics since Feb. 14th, and my count is at 16.6 now.
Starting to worry me. They need to figure out why and fix it. I go back to work on Monday.
Dang woman, I can't believe you haven't gotten better by now! Everytime I see you talk about this on facebook I feel so bad for you!! Congrats on not getting any birds at TSC. I know I couldn't do it! Hopefully we're getting a rabbit from Vikki today and ducks from you tomorrow and the only chickens I want are pullets. If they could sex the birds for me then I MIGHT pick up some chicks.

Speaking of which, I am excited to FINALLY meet you tomorrow!! Oh and maybe waterpixie too woohoo!!!
I hate to be a braggart, but.... I'm going to be RICH!

Today, I sent the kids to get the goose eggs and quickly discovered the single best form of entertainment on the planet. I'll be selling tickets to the daily show all spring. Get your's now! When word gets out they're going to go FAST!


Seriously though, if you have never sent two children under the ages of 10 to collect goose eggs before I HIGHLY recommend it. Funniest thing EVER.

M2 -- That is worrisome. Are they considering that it may be something other than an infection at this point, or is the infection just still present and not responding? Thoughts being sent your way, either way. Hopefully something gives soon.

Keyt -- Usually TSC has pullets bins. It's not 100% of course, but neither is straight from the hatchery. If you wanted started birds check out some swaps this spring. I bet you can find something. St. Louis' swaps start next Month. The first one is the ninth. I'm sure there will be some closer to you, too, though.

On the TSC note anyone noticed any leghorns at TSC this year? I've never kept them before but would like to try a few hens to see if they live up to their name, egg-laying wise. If I could pick up just a few at TSC or the like that'd be great. But I've never seen them in TSC in years past. Sounds like they might have a different supplier for this region this year though.
I'm not sure where you are going for your treatment but sometimes ....you have to be really pushy when it comes to how/what the medical people do in respond to your symptoms. Maybe time to see a specialist? I hope you will be on the upswing soon!
Congrats on resisting the lure of the baby chicks...I'm just staying clear and patiently waiting for my hatching eggs to come.
This morning we went to take care of a friends cat (they are away) and when we got home I slipped getting out the truck and landed on my ribs on the running board. Knocked the wind out of me and then when I tried to catch my breath cried because it hurt so bad. I don't think they do anything for a cracked rib so I had my husband bind me up and I'm just staying still and hoping it isn't cracked. We got about 5 inches of snow last night and they called for an inch. BAH!
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