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bjengel, you will be happy with the BA's they are very sweet calm birds. DH likes them so much he wants more and even wants to get a roo. He likes to pretend that the chickens are mine
I got to meet Tank today.
He was kind enough to take some eggs off my hands. I thought I had a hen going broody so I was saving eggs for her this week. Turns out she was only thinking about it. I figured that I would give Tank these eggs and she would decide that she wanted them. Today she is thinking about it again
Okay, I'm finally here. I just read the posts on the chickenstock thread about me. Hope no one thought I was ignoring them. I try to be nicer than the real Diana Ross. And did I read right that Olive Hill is a Diana too? I cannot wait for this stinking snow to melt for good! And for someone wonderful to want my Serama cockerel and pullet!
Well it was a nice day out there today but that hasn't really changed the fact that I'm still disgruntled with all the snow on the ground.
If it melted any faster it'd not be melting at all.

But *whispers* did anyone else see that they're forecasting low 50s next week?

Welcome -- BJengal!!!

And did I read right that Olive Hill is a Diana too?

You sure did.
A few posts back someone said to turn the clocks BACK this Sunday - since it's spring, we spring FORWARD. You will lose an hour of sleep, you need to move your clocks forward an hour, that's how we allegedly gain an hour of daylight.

On another note, I went to TSC and saw ducks, chicks and bunnies and came home with grit and dog food - nothing cute. I'm holding out for chickenstock - so everyone hatch something for me.

Welcome to the newbies, or as my son would say the noobs.
Hi, all:

I have been reading this thread for a couple of weeks (thanks to "Mom 2em All" for pointing me to this thread).

I am in Big Rapids, MI and had two ducks (a female Pekin and a female Cayuga). The Pekin died this winter after laid 165 eggs straight. Then she stopped laying and passed away a couple weeks later.

I failed to find a young female Pekin so today I bought two one-week old ducklings from the local TSC. Hope at least one is a female so she can replaced the lost one.


Right now, the female Cayuga is kind of lonely. She wants to talk to us whenever she hears or sees us.
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