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Weclome loubapache and Hi neighbor! Sorry about your duck but it sure looks like you got some cuties! Hope you don't mind a little advice, your heat lamp may need to be secured with something else, I have seen too many horror stories on here about those clamps giving away or the lamps getting bumped off and causing fires. Good luck with your new ducks!
A2, I am trying but someone needs to come talk to my hens and explain to them that someone needs to decide to go broody
Thanks, Hillbilly Hen. I added a wire and suspended it from above as a secondary holder.

I heard there is a poultry exchange (market) near you but I have never been there. Are there ducks?

Thanks again.
loubapache, There is a small animal swap starting in April in the parking lot of Family Farm and Home in Newaygo. The set dates are April 9th, May 14th, June 11, July 9th, Aug 13th, Sept 10 and Oct 8th. They have ducks, chickens, peacocks, rabbits......
Thank you so much. I will keep these dates.

A friend of mine has been there. He had too many rosters so exchanged for a few hens.
My broody frizzle has been sitting on those eggs and sitting on those eggs...today is Day 21. I went out there and lifted her up a little, so I could take a peek. Nothing. I picked up one egg and put it to my ear. A very distinct tap tap tap...so I put it back, and left her alone. She cussed me out in broody-language.
Hopefully tomorrow she will have a couple babies in there to cure her winter blues...
Well, I promised pictures earlier, here they are:

The whole group:


chick 1 - I believe these are Black Austrolorps:


chick 2 - Any ideas on what this is? I'm hoping maybe Buff Orpington??


so far all of them are doing great and they are such a riot to watch and interact with.

- Brian
Good luck Mom 2 with the hatch
It is so fun to watch a mama hen with her babies. Now, please have your hen talk to one of my hens

loubapache, I usually find someone to take my extra roos there. I just give them away.
I think what you've got there are NH Reds, not Buff Orps. I could be wrong, but that's my guess at this point. You'll know soon enough, they feather out pretty quick.
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