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I have a running list on my computer. My son and I aren't getting along and I msg'd him to tell him my grandmother probably won't make it through the week. It led into one huge thing then as he always does, he got my daughter who has emotional issues already to help him post a bunch of stuff on CL. My 1992 LeBaron convertible which I totally love, my (deceased) mother's grandfather clock and her curio cabinet were also posted in separate listings. Fortunately when it was done they either didn't think or didn't care about using my email address. I didn't see it for a whole day because I was dealing with a 2nd family tragedy so I had 66 emails on the chickens and ducks and about half that on the other stuff

Sorry to hear of all the stressful events Keyt.....hope things settle down for you asap.
11 more days until my due date!! (hatch date, I'm not pregnant lol)
I can't wait for my little babies!!
Yesterday at 4:15pm I had my first "pip" on my first incubation experience!! We left at 6:30pm and got home at 10pm and the hole was doubled...from there it zipped and hatched by 11pm!! We watched and it was just fantastic!! I have 7 left in the incubator and my hatch date is today (day 21)....can't wait to find others!! It is 6am now...the chick is all dry...should I move it into brooder or leave it? I have a Brinsea and it gets temps back up quick ...?? Let me know what you expert incubator chickelovers think.
Everything I hear is to wait. When they're hatching humidity is soooooo important. Even opening the lid for a couple of seconds can mean problems with other eggs hatching because of the humidity change.
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It's April 1!!!!

Do not open the incubator for any reason until all chicks have hatched. That little guy can survive for days without your intervention.
I was pretty sure to leave it....but needed some "backup" reinforcement. The chick bops around knocking into the other eggs but I have only 8 and I know lots of people have like 40 in their bators. It must look like chaos when hatching that many!!
Our snow is melting good...back to where we were prior to storm and the coming rain should really do the trick....assuming the weekend "front" doesn't dump more snow on us!
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Once chicks start to hatch the best thing that can be done is to sit on your hands. Hatched chicks can survive 3 days without food or water. Opening the incubator will immediately drop the temperature and the humidity which can kill the remaining eggs. Hatched chicks banging into the eggs or the other chicks will not hurt a thing. Opening the incubator WILL.
LOL! Yep, it looks very chaotic in there with a full batch, but they get through it alright -- even the ones that hatch last and get trampled all over by the older chicks are fine once they dry off and rest a bit. I've even had chicks use younger/wet/newly hatched chicks for roosts while in the brooder.
None have been any worse for the wear.

What kind of chicks are you hatching?
Blue/splash/black Orpingtons...large not banties. First one looks like a splash I think...I was going to do Blue Jersey Giants this month but I ordered 24 and Wynette's hens have been slackers so shooting for May with that hatch. In between I'm getting some more Orps!
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