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Thanks ladies!

So for those that don't know about her, a while back I took in a few ducks from vicki2x2 and one of them had a very twisted beak. When I first brought her home I was worried she wouldn't eat much. Boy was I wrong! She's the biggest eater out there and she will let you know when she's hungry by being the loudest one out there!

She will follow us from one end of the duck run to the other. Today since it was such a nice day and I needed to get out of the house, I let all the ducks out to run around the yard. I think they all took that as time to give them treats when I made them go back into the run. This time I took a video and posted it to youtube.

Someone else posted your animals? Scary that someone knows exactly what you own. I would watch and make sure none of them start disappearing- someone may try stealing them little by little to make a profit. How did you get CL to take down the ad? Im glad that they responded so quickly.

Im glad you are okay,
and Im glad that the animals are ok too.

I got a new pigeon in the mail yesterday!!
I got him from Mary of Exeter. It was hilarious- the postal worker kept insisting that I had a second box of birds back there as well- and I said, "No really, I only have this one." And a guy standing in line finally spoke up and said, "Those other ones are mine"- I asked him what he had, and he had quite a few racing homers.
A whole underworld of pigeons that I dont even know about going on in my city.

My pigeon was very happy to meet her new boyfriend. So happy in fact, that she laid an egg. He is just a young baby- not even considering breeding yet.
my hellion is determined to rob the cradle and corrupt him.
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Someone else posted your animals? Scary that someone knows exactly what you own. I would watch and make sure none of them start disappearing- someone may try stealing them little by little to make a profit. How did you get CL to take down the ad? Im glad that they responded so quickly.

Im glad you are okay,
and Im glad that the animals are ok too.

I got a new pigeon in the mail yesterday!!
I got him from Mary of Exeter. It was hilarious- the postal worker kept insisting that I had a second box of birds back there as well- and I said, "No really, I only have this one." And a guy standing in line finally spoke up and said, "Those other ones are mine"- I asked him what he had, and he had quite a few racing homers.
A whole underworld of pigeons that I dont even know about going on in my city.

My pigeon was very happy to meet her new boyfriend. So happy in fact, that she laid an egg. He is just a young baby- not even considering breeding yet.
my hellion is determined to rob the cradle and corrupt him.

Celia -- I was wondering about where you went off to just yesterday. Good to see you here again. Congrats on the job.

Keyt -- Very weird that someone listed all your animals on craigslist... even including ages?! Glad you're as well as can be.

M2M -- OMG. That's hilarious about your pigeons! Congrats on the new one.

Well, tomorrow is April 1st. Is everybody feeling the spring fever?
How easy/difficult and expensive is it to get NPIP certified here in MI? I don't have any chickens yet (summer time!), but it is most definitely something I will want to do.
It sure is nice how many good people are on this site. Someone doesn't post for a few days and immediately people are concerned. This Michigan group sure is a bunch of great folks. Speaking of nice people, I recently got to meet Lindah2226 and her husband Jim.
I have a running list on my computer. My son and I aren't getting along and I msg'd him to tell him my grandmother probably won't make it through the week. It led into one huge thing then as he always does, he got my daughter who has emotional issues already to help him post a bunch of stuff on CL. My 1992 LeBaron convertible which I totally love, my (deceased) mother's grandfather clock and her curio cabinet were also posted in separate listings. Fortunately when it was done they either didn't think or didn't care about using my email address. I didn't see it for a whole day because I was dealing with a 2nd family tragedy so I had 66 emails on the chickens and ducks and about half that on the other stuff
Thanks Sam. What a nice thing to say. Y'all are pretty nice yourselves. I got my eggs from you in the incubator.. thankyouthankyouthankyou.
I think Sam took pity on me and my broody hen. I thought she was sick at first. Didn't know what to do ..... It was hard to tell with her because she is the one the other girls pick on. The whole time she eats, she screams. She is afraid of them and hides. It's so sad and I think some of you might cull her but I have a soft spot for the underdog.....i know i know.
Anyway, she was puffed up like a little fat arrow and making baby raccoon noises. She started sitting/setting? on the glass eggs. I went to a store like Trader Joe's and got her some "farm fresh" store eggs. She's been in there ever since . And by the way, she turned into a junk yard dog when another hen tried to get near her. yikes. Well, I put the new eggs into the incubator because by the looks of things, she is not going to share the babies with me. I 'm getting broody too.
This is such a great site and I am learning sooooo much.
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