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He isn't agouti. He's chocolate. I'll worm him and see if it helps. I have some wormer here but I'll have to check to see if it's safe for bunnies or if it's expired.

eta: thanks for the help!
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Just wondered about the color because I've noticed agouti patterned rabbits tend to suck down more water

Hope the worming helps!
That's funny! I have some safe-guard (fenbendazole). Supposed to be safe for rabbits and kills pretty much every icky thing. Just have to figure out the dosage since he isn't a goat.
I'll give her some mineral oil just to be sure, but I doubt she has a hairball. I haven't seen any indication of one, anyway.

My mom was here last night and said, and I quote, "You know tastes change for us old ladies. Give her something else to eat." LOL! I told her she could come cook for the rabbit daily and then we'd talk.

And then today I cooked and mashed carrots for her
and mixed them about half and half with some soaked pellets to see if she'd eat more of the pellets that way since she's always ravenous about her fresh foods. The verdict is still out as I just gave them to her a bit ago and haven't checked to see how much she ate. We'll see...

Once I see how she does with that I've got her a big fresh food "salad" -- beet, turnip, carrot, parsley, spinach, a few celery greens, etc. -- made up that she can have. So far so good increasing her fresh stuff... no digestive upset yet....
My 1 week old chicks just got there first treat, cooked corn scraped off the cob, more kinda creamed corn, only gave them a tablespoon, we rolled on the floor laughing at them grabbing and running from the others , a bunch just sitting there, but the piece 1 chick had was better.. it was like watching chick races....
They are just little eating machines..... cracking us up....
CBB, glad to hear your chicks are so enjoyable. If you have started giving them treats be sure that you are also giving them grit for chicks. While they don't have any problems digesting chick starter, anything else requires grit. Without it they will become impacted.
Try giving her a piece of banana. If she doesn't rip it out of your hand, you have a problem.

You mean she's going to act like my kids?!?! LOL! I can't keep Bananas in the house, my youngest daughter is a fiend.

As for the rabbit, she pounces on just about anything fresh -- carrots, spinach, turnips, radishes, parsley -- she loves it. Her appetite has certainly not been compromised. And she IS eating her pellets just not as enthusiastically enough to suit me. LOL!
Aren't they hilarious. Wait til they're grown and they're running around the yard playing keep away with a mouse.
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