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I would think they would be fine. But am in no way an expert. Confession: I only really grow edible things. If it's not highly edible it has to be a plant it and forget it forever kind of thing. The only flowers I have are some random Melvia that keep reseeding themselves every year and not requiring anything from me... not even a drop of water when it's drought conditions and 90 degrees. And they do so in the clay soil with no compost. LOL!

Welcome! I have a gilt named Bridget.

If you try to put the baby chicks with the adult chicks then yes, you very well could have a problem. Adult chicks can and will catch small animals and eat them -- mice, moles, voles, and... yes, baby chicks. It's best to wait until they're a bit bigger and fully feathered first. The disease that someone else mentioned, Blackhead Disease, can be a problem in keeping chickens and turkeys together, but isn't always. The disease doesn't affect chickens, but they can carry and spread it and it can be fatal to turkeys. The pathogen itself lives in the soil -- your soil either has it, or it doesn't -- keeping turkeys with chickens in a mixed flock on soil where the pathogen is present increases the likelihood of the turkeys becoming afflicted. You can contact your county extension office and they should be able to tell you what your chances of having it are and you can go from there. If it is not present in your soil you can keep chickens and turkeys together, no problem. Ours coexist beautifully. HTH!

Have fun! Your spring annuals should be more than okay to plant at this point. Holding back on the later season stuff is what I've having trouble with. LOL!

LOL! Too funny!

Sorry about your grandma.

Please be careful giving the pig anything not specifically designed for livestock. Hogs have extremely strong jaws and are incredibly curious and persistent animals. It would not be unlikely for her to break the balls and ingest the bells within minutes. She may not go right for them if she is still young and timid, but it will not take long. Especially since she is a single. Swine are social animals and when kept alone tend to get into more mischief -- which I would extend as a warning to build a STRONG pen if you do not intend to acquire her a herd mate. Even small hogs are very strong.

I did think twice (before reading this) about giving the balls to Bella, so I gave them to my dogs. Aric is building an extremely strong pen. He's very knowledgeable on that stuff. We may get a mate at a later time if we find a good one. I almost took two home from where I got Bella, but I didn't want two from the same litter
Morning Michiganders....today should be a BEAUTIFUL day!! Plans here to finish cleaning up the garden (love my perennials) and scrounge around the barn for small individual pots. I started some broccoli , tomatoes and poppies in the basement and they need to be transplanted into bigger grow pots. I also have my 1 week old chicks in the basement and yesterday I went for a walk and set our alarm system when I left....well I guess I didn't close the door good...it came open and triggered the alarm. So I'm walking home and two sheriff cars come up to me...ask my name...tell me what happened. My husband was home then and he told them I was out. I think I had a panicked look on my face as they approached...our road is seasonal and the direction they came was not clear for driving yet....so I knew they had been to our place. All was ok but my poor chicks!! That alarm is SO loud and they had to hear it until DH got home!! They SEEM ok....they may all be deaf I don't know.

Keyt...sorry about your grandmother...my dad is 97 and lives in Florida...everyday I pray that when it IS his time...he goes peacefully in his sleep .
My barred rocks and EEs will go outside today ... permanently! Yea! No my chicks on the porch ... until the Wyandottes outgrow their brooder box and end up on the porch too.


To whoever had the question with a butterfly bush, they're pretty indestructible. I wouldn't worry. Mine managed to survive -24 degrees this winter and is sprouting.
Thanks for the plant info...I've had bad luck with my butterfly bush. First two didn't come back the following year...bought 3 more last year and they did great all summer...I did not cut them back as the nursery said (do you cut yours back ever?) so wasn't sure if I should cut them back now or just leave them alone.
Thanks for the plant info...I've had bad luck with my butterfly bush. First two didn't come back the following year...bought 3 more last year and they did great all summer...I did not cut them back as the nursery said (do you cut yours back ever?) so wasn't sure if I should cut them back now or just leave them alone.

I have never cut mine back- I have three that are huge now. They grow new stalks every year, and the old ones bloom too.
They are my most favorite of all bushes.
Ok...I'll see how they do without cutting them back. I love them too...we do have problems with freeze kills up here that you probably don't- but if yours bloom without cutting them back then they should here too....Thanks.
Quick question to the few of you that expressed interest in BA hatching eggs -- does anyone anticipate wanting them between now and mid-June or so? I'm not in need of hatching eggs from the BAs right now and the roos need to be cycled out. So if no one needs them soon I'm going to go ahead and process roos now... fewer mouthes to feed for a couple months. The next batch is coming up here and will be of mating age by June. Just want to make sure I'm not going to leave anyone hanging in the meantime.
Hey! A couple nights ago I managed to catch a massive racoon in the livetrap...and then last night his friend came over. I hadn't set up the trap yet because I needed to clean it.
I pulled into the driveway and my headlights went across the front porch and there sat another LARGE racoon...no time to set the trap and catch him so long story short he won't be bothering us anymore.
Made for a very interesting night lol.
I'm working on the barn this weekend getting everything moved...very excited to have things settled in and it will be amazing to pull a vehicle into our garage for the first time ever!
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