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It's BEAUTIFUL out there today. (Well, at least for the lower half of the LP)

Hope you're all enjoying it!

I'm trying to convince the kids that 'Spring Cleaning' is a fun new game. They're not buying it.
Greetings from the Traverse City/Interlochen area!
Grew up with chickens in the northeast part of MI, and now have them here the last couple of years. Now they are more like pets than they were when I grew up.
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Hi and Welcome cgtara!! It is great having someone from my area on the forum!! I'm in Fife Lake...we were just in Traverse today shopping at Sam's Club! Did you see the ad on Craigs list yesterday for a coop with feed/water dishes/fencing and 10 RIReds??? For $385.00!!! What a steal and he was in the Interlochen area!
What kind of chickens do you have??
I had the opportunity to meet theron Saturday at the swap meet. Always nice to meet a fellow BYCer! I was wondering if you had any luck selling those beautiful EE's. I was sure tempted!
Olive..for once it was beautiful up here too!!

Well good! The storms must've went between us. I looked at the radar this morning and there were some good lookin' storms north of us -- all the colors of the T-Storm radar rainbow -- dark green, yellow, orange and all the shades of red!
Hi and Welcome cgtara!! It is great having someone from my area on the forum!! I'm in Fife Lake...we were just in Traverse today shopping at Sam's Club! Did you see the ad on Craigs list yesterday for a coop with feed/water dishes/fencing and 10 RIReds??? For $385.00!!! What a steal and he was in the Interlochen area!
What kind of chickens do you have??

Very pleased to meet you!!
No, I didn't see that, but I will look--for the heck of it. Our story is sad but is getting better with time. We started with 12 I believe are red-star sex link chicks that we raised from TSC, and now only have one left of the original bunch--and her name is Sweet Pea. We lost two the first year to something that killed our favorite bird and another one when they went out too early in the morning. I bet it was coyotes. We lost another to prolapse. We lost our smallest bird to a raccoon. Finally, the first day the birds got out this spring..a few weeks ago--a coyote came and killed off 6 of the eight, and left one severely wounded that we found a week later--and had put to sleep. The lone bird now has three pullets for companions that are also the same background that we just got from another member called Fred's Hens. We are pleased with them. She is not too thrilled, but we know it is better for her to have birdie buddies than what we can provide. Now she will be the alpha bird! We plan on getting more chicks very soon to add to the size of our flock. They were all pets to us that we lost, so it was major. Tell me more about your chickens.
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Chickkaboomboom your coop is looking wonderful!!!
We're going to start building new coops now that the rabbits are settled into the new barn. We spent all day moving the rabbits...but it wasn't just moving them...it was putting rabbits into carriers, cleaning trays, pulling the cage out of the garage and the powerwashing it, taking it out to the new barn and setting it up with the food/water/rabbits. We haven't clean the bunny-grime out of the garage yet but at least there is officially NO rabbits in the garage!!
Waiting for more chicks to hatch tonight...I can hear them peeping
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