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OK, stupid question time here, what is an EE? Is it Easter Egger and what is that? An actual breed of chicken or just that they lay a green or blue egg? I admit I don't know all the abbreviations used on here...like DH???? I think it stands for husband or something close.

EE's are basically mutts. They're offspring who decades ago, when polyester was big, were crossed with blue and green pure breed chickens (aracaunas ameri-whatevers, et al). It was common for hatcheries to sell these chickens under the old breed's names, expecting no one would know the differance. Since they're of mixed genes, they don't have a standard, don't breed true, but can carry some of the looks (but not all) of the origional blue egged ancestors. Now some hatcheries are calling them EE's as people have ordered from them, tried to show the mutt-birds, and been rejected for not having the right birds. long and short without a dna test I'm real slow to claim anyone had pure birds, unless it's been green lighted by a judge. Then again I don't show chickens, all I want is an egg.

DH is dear or darn husband, depending on context.

Sidenote, except for my quail all of my animals have been mutts, nothing against mixing, but be honest when you do.

thank you for very good explanation. On everything. I was thinking maybe Dam Hubby but didn't want to say that out loud. I wouldn't mean it on here anyways. My hubby is a keeper, he does much for me I could never repay.
SOOOOOO, if I had a EE roo and let it breed my Rh Isl Reds or Barred Rocks they'd all be mutts too and be good for nothing but eggs/meat, not show birds etc and I couldn't really sell them as anything special. Bet they'd be pretty tho huh?
This place rocks with info.
Hi everyone,

I'm not from MI but my boyfriend was born in the Upper Peninsula and someday we plan on moving there permanently to homestead. But I have a question that came up today...I was wondering how much you all pay, on average, for registration for your vehicles? It's important to consider the taxes of the place we plan on moving to, and I'd appreciate any of your responses.
We're thinking mid winter and early spring. We're in the last bit of negoiciating now, and then there's still some loose threads to snip in SoCal. We figure we'll fly out fall or winter, pick a place out, drop the cash, and hire the reno crew (it needs gutting pretty much no matter what we buy). Boyd's offered to keep an eye out, till we can ship and grab a place to supervise from for a few months. With luck we'll be settled in time for spring planting.

In the immediate future, I've got to try out some off-road wheelchairs, pack up and move a business, and mr saddi has to hire and train his replacement at work.
and yes i know no one moves in winter in MI, but people will also drop prices to sell, and since we'd have to redo any house, may as well have the lot to pick from.
We're thinking mid winter and early spring. We're in the last bit of negoiciating now, and then there's still some loose threads to snip in SoCal. We figure we'll fly out fall or winter, pick a place out, drop the cash, and hire the reno crew (it needs gutting pretty much no matter what we buy). Boyd's offered to keep an eye out, till we can ship and grab a place to supervise from for a few months. With luck we'll be settled in time for spring planting.

In the immediate future, I've got to try out some off-road wheelchairs, pack up and move a business, and mr saddi has to hire and train his replacement at work.

What part of Mi are you looking at?
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