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I am not sure. I think it used to based on the weight
Maybe Opa can answer. He is very smart.
We're thinking mid winter and early spring. We're in the last bit of negoiciating now, and then there's still some loose threads to snip in SoCal. We figure we'll fly out fall or winter, pick a place out, drop the cash, and hire the reno crew (it needs gutting pretty much no matter what we buy). Boyd's offered to keep an eye out, till we can ship and grab a place to supervise from for a few months. With luck we'll be settled in time for spring planting.

In the immediate future, I've got to try out some off-road wheelchairs, pack up and move a business, and mr saddi has to hire and train his replacement at work.

What part of Mi are you looking at?

Outside of flint, boyd and i have discussed a co-op for a bit now, mrs boyd could help with the soap business, and that would expand what boyd has under cultivation without having to lease the land. and before you ask, my grandfather owned a horse ranch, so yes i've done farm choes before.
The property tax I calculated for a property in the UP was around $2000 a year. I hope that I was using the calculator wrong (it was on a MI gov website).
Is it required to spend a whole winter there first before moving permanently? I lived in Chicago for about 4 years...and while I didn't like the snow I could deal with about 40-50 inches every year.

OK maybe the car registration fees aren't as bad as I thought. I'm a bit relieved now.
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Well, I hope we get to meet you at next year's chickenstock.

That would be lovely. We're in the middle of a lawsuit and need to wrap it up before leaving the state (which sounds odd, i know), lol i swear none of us are hitmen.
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