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Another trick to getting rid of unwanted bugs in apple trees is to sprinkle mothballs around the base.
If you have a deer problem when growing up your trees to a decent size (when the deer can't hurt them anymore!) buy cheap bar soap, drill a hole in it and ad a rope (make soap on a rope). Hang a couple of them on the lowest branches of the tree and I absolutely will guarantee you that a deer will not touch your tree
Report back on your progress.

The good thing about living in the boonies is that no one will see me doing it!

When we first bought our property here in 1998 we still lived in Florida. My husband retired at age 49 and I was a teacher and had summers off. We'd come to our property (no water or power here then) and put up our rendevous tent which resembles a teepee. A person living about a mile through the woods from us came down our trail while we were camping and we became known as the "teepee people from Florrredah!" Pretty funny!! We would camp out here for the summer...it was rustic but fun. THEN.

Love the Brahma's ChickwannaB

They need a bath, filthy, but too stressed right now to do such a thing to them.

OPA, I stopped at a country Antique store and found some kewl stuff, something I think might be a trombone sprayer. It definately delivers a puff of wind in my face when I push the slide in. Small glass jar attached to put some powder into. I'll hafta take a picture and show you. They had others there of a larger size but I thought the small one was quite charming, $18.00

OOOOOO, so eggcited about my new birdies. Made them their own space in the kennel, gave them the three red drawers attached together for nest boxes, and their own waterer and drinker.

They have their own page on MyPage.

I think what you were looking at was an insect sprayer. They were for spraying liquid. I have used them when I was young for spraying around to barn for flies. There were cheaper ones also that had a metal cannister instead of glass. One of the largest manufacturers was Black Flag.
scratch'n'peck :

Hey there sj!

I just noticed Grandma chicken's pic of her sweet hen today. I hope the transition for Bobbi goes well.

Thanks for the vet info.

There is also a vet at Cedar Animal Hospital, Dr Nuata who looks like he sees birds. I was thinking of taking my cat there, too. If anyone in the area happens to know anything about his vet practice, please let me know.

My brother in law takes his exoctic birds there. Drives all the way from Harrison to do so. He seems pretty happy with them.

By the way, Welcome!​
Another month has almost passed and I am curious to see what happens with the BYC awards program. Last month for some reason they only gave out 3 awards; 2 for Spirit,1 for friend and 0 for educator. I know several folks had nominated me for educator and they contacted me wondering why the awards were so few. So if any of you know someone that exemplifies friendship be sure and get your nominations in soon. If you look at the size of the Michigan thread compared to other states, and if you spend any time reading them you become aware we are populated by a bunch of friendly helpful people. I'd like to see more of you get the recognition you so richly deserve. https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dENpa285MlNhX1ctNG5pOEttc0pWMnc6MQ#gid=0
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Sure would like to see some rain tonight. All last night's rain did was raise the humidity. And my A/C pooped out.
Poor dogs are panting like mad.
I have a tarp on the floor, sprinkle DE and then cover it with slightly less than one bag of pine shavings. 8'x10' coop. Partial clean every 2 weeks then full clean as needed. New tarp and hose-out (rubber pond liner floor) a couple times a year. Fewer pine chips make it easier to clean/ remove. I also have food and water in bins that I rinse often. For example I have a small shoebox size water bin and a 5 gallon watered inside an underbed storage bin, so no water gets on the bedding
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