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I haven't noticed any Keyt. Keep an eye out on them and keep us updated.

My silkies still aren't laying. ARG!! They have to be 9months now. What's up with that?! :: scratches head ::
. Hey Kimmiejean! You will love the MI site. it is fun to talk to people that are from your area and may go to the same stores. Might run in to them some time..I love this sight cause most every one here us as nuts about chickens as I am
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Behaviour question...

As you may recall, I had an issue with a neigbhor in June and as a result, I cut my flock down to 3 Black Sex Link pullets. These were the youngest chicks that I had left, their brood mates (a couple of Buff Orps) were rehomed. So over the next 3 or 4 weeks, one of the BSL took on a dominant role ala roo.

Then I got back the original BOs (thank you Kerry) and dumped them back in with the BSL's.

I understand the pecking order and I get how the absent sisters are now at the bottom level. There are no issues to speak of as they all get along quite well.

My question is that since 1 of the BSL's is obviously the new "roo", will she continue the role as male or will she eventually come to terms with being a hen and actually lay an egg?

These 5 are 15/16 weeks old now and not quite at laying age, but the subordinant pullets play at nesting and squatting behaviour. While they do that, the "roo" is on active guard duty. I think she is being a good "dad", she acts like a viligent male.

I'm not worried or anything, I'm just curious about pullet behaviour in the absence of a cockerel.
I remember reading where someone has a "roo" hen that crowed and laid eggs all the time, so maybe she will start laying as well as be top Dad. Poor things must be confused though.
Teeville5 - Hello! Looks like you've got a lot of posts, so you're not new, but I don't think we've met! Welcome to the MI thread! Glad to have you with us!
I don't mind her being "butch" or even if she doesn't lay eggs, but if she starts to crow, it could be an issue.
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