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None of mine have molted yet, but two of them have lost all or most of the feathers on their necks. I figured it was from the roosters, but why would they loose feathers in the fronts of their necks? Not sure what that's about.

Rooster hickies?
Well actually, one of the BR hens does have a red spot on her neck. Must be from Worf, Joe would never give hickies. Or should that be beakies?
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I doubt if missing feather on the front of a hen's neck would be from a rooster. If you watch them, they grasp the hen by the neck right at the base of the skull.
Molting question.......Do they molt at specific times? My girls are 31 wks and nicely all feathered. They did molt a bit and I was told that was called a "juvenile molt". This happened in mid-summer, feathers every where but no bare spots. Will mine skip molting this fall and just wait till the spring?
Chic and Mom, nice to see you back

Chic I think that must be your feather loss question but for some reason it shows up on my computer from Raz - I know he doesn't have a rooster though.

Hi easter eggerz and welcome, whereabouts northern michigan are you? I'm in saint ignace and taprock is in the north also.

Welcome to the michigan thread to soctippy, too
teeville, Yes, shes a white leghorn. I am very certain that is what she is. Its just weird. The eggs aren't brown/tan/light brown persay... But they have a pinkish tinge to them. They aren't white like you'd get at the (yuck) store... Like I said thou, I know it was hers that Jace took out today. Buffy usually lays about 4, well now with the time change, that'd be 3. Always an afternoon layer. But this one was laid before 10 am, and she was the only one to use the nest box today... My neighbors are very white... I got this girl from them, along with her sister that my dogs got... Well anyway... She should be the only white egg layer too. LOL. I guess she is not happy with just plain white and decided they needed tinting. LOL
Good Morning Michiganders.

Doing my chicken chores in the dark while its raining is not cool but needed to be done. Another long work day ahead of me. I hope everyone has a great day! Stay dry!
Hens with bald spots at the front of the neck, near where it meets the breast, are generally responsible for their own undoing. Are there feathers in your nest boxes? A lot of times that's where they pull them from to make a nest. In the spring all of the geese walk around with a big bald spot on their neck/breast.

Store eggs are washed with a detergent solution and then rinsed with a chlorine rinse. After that they're inspected for imperfections and any that do not meet standard are discarded. It's futile to compare eggs from a backyard flock to those produced commercially. Pearl white is a normal shell color for a leghorn.
Nova here is someone else with the same question about egg color


morning michigan, looks like another cold rainy day. I delivered the 3 surviving cochins (they were in a separate pen) to the bycer they were promised to. After hearing my tale of chicken destruction, he was kind enough to offer me eggs or chicks from his lemon blue project pen, where the 2 boys and girl he took were destined. people can be so kind!

How about a my favorite chicken photo contest?
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