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When that blue highlighted word shows up with advert attached, it means your computer has aquired a shopper... There is now a program in your computer that links words to adverts.... You just have to find it and disable. It would have come with something you or someone willingly downloaded. I had that, took me forever to find the culprit. Check your toolbar.... It might be there.
My chickens are eating the pellets....but I think they protested for a day and realized that's all the food that's coming. The little stinkers....
Welcome 543!
Tell us about your chickens?

It can't be colder in Minnasota. Right now it is about 15 degrees here. But supposed to warm up to 37 degrees tomorrow and rain on us! Great!

Well, I have 11 assorted chickens and 10 different color call ducks... love them all! two call ducks are crippled and therefore live in the house with me to get extra attention and care.
Currently it is 19 with a warming trend on for this week, yay! It was below zero a couple of days ago so this is welcome.
Thought ya'll would get a kick out of this:

Chicken Sculpture Made From EggShells from Inspire Fusion (more pics at the link)

I love it! I wonder how they did it without breaking one or getting their fingers stuck?
sometimes if you miss an hour or 2 it is like reading a novel

Good AM to all, got the chickens watered,feed,and let out, hey spread in the yard and poop boards cleaned off. Load of laundry in the drier and another in the wash, 2 toilets cleaned,1 to go. Now it is my turn to sit down with my glass of Kefir and catch up on last nights posts..
Before I start catching up I would like to earn another seat on the buss. Been puzzling over this for a while, ..closed flock means nothing in nothing out.... so how do you expand your flock with out in-breeding to the point of birth defects? OK I will go back & read now. Some mentioned Farmboys sign, got to go back & see.
welcome to those in and out of MI. We are not a closed flock

from Minnesota again, thank you all for the warm welcome! I'm glad y'all are not a closed flock. That IS a good question about closed bird flocks and breeding. I bet you have to start with a large number of birds.
To those of you with computer glitches, I had to leave firefox and go to IE just to get onl Firefox would not let me log in no matter what! Go figure.
Good luck of those who have eggs in the bator!
Thanks Nova.....I know who the culprits could be....URGHHH...my 10 or 12 yr. old. I really need to get a laptop for myself so this stuff doesn't happen!

Friday my DH went back to work after lunch and realized when he got into the shop that he had 4 eggs in coat pockets!! Miraculously and happy to his discovery none were broke!! 7 total for that day.

The egg sculpture is so cool and cleaver.....Thanks for sharing!

Fuzzybutt.......I have Google Chrome and Yes, I'm figuring....I know it came with one of my kids games that soon will be deleted!!
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from Minnesota again, thank you all for the warm welcome! I'm glad y'all are not a closed flock. That IS a good question about closed bird flocks and breeding. I bet you have to start with a large number of birds.
To those of you with computer glitches, I had to leave firefox and go to IE just to get onl Firefox would not let me log in no matter what! Go figure.
Good luck of those who have eggs in the bator!

un-named543, be sure to check out mine or Opa's or RaZ's siggy line for info on the upcoming Chickenstock, you are more than welcome to come

I also have IE9 running on my computer but I am on dial up so everything is slow, but that's ok, so am I
Good Morning! Sun is shinning but still my lil toes were frozen by the time I was done doing my chores this morning. Maybe if I wore my boots instead of my rubber garden clogs my toes would have stayed warm.
I just checked out the coop section. I am not a Gold Feather member. I am using Google Chrome. I had no problems viewing the coops.
Welcome un-named! Gosh, you would think people in your neck of the woods would be inside in this cold and chatting about chickens!! You are welcome to join us at chickenstock!
Not too long of a trip, is it?? You would definately win something cool for being the person that came the furthest. If you come, we'll make sure it's super cool.
un-named543, be sure to check out mine or Opa's or RaZ's siggy line for info on the upcoming Chickenstock, you are more than welcome to come

When you click on the Chickenstock link in my signature line you will have links for all the Chickenstock info including the Buy/Sell link that Theron is maintaining. This is a great place to find out what birds people will be bringing or to let folk know what you are looking for.
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