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Quote: Originally Posted by RaZ I don't like pies or chocolate or deserts in general.
I don't know whether to congratulate you (You don't have temptation), or think you are secretly an alien? Actually, i have a guy acquaintance who is the same way, so it's not just you. Myself, i am a pie gal. I blame my fondness for sweets on my german ancestry......

Quote: Originally Posted by Mom 2em All I love this parrot as much as one of my children. If he gets sick, I WILL fore-go all bill paying-
You could get collodial silver from a health store. It's not cheap at $15 for a little dropper bottle, but it works great for the little mystery colds that indoor birds sometimes get. I used it for years on my parakeets. It won't upset their natural balance like an antibiotic. I used to put up to 10 sprays into their water,and let them drink it for a few days. They seemed to drink more when it was in there, so they liked the slightly metallic taste. Got rid of the coughs and sneezes. Silver will cure sinus infections too, if anyone was wondering the human use. Also flu, if you do it as soon as you feel it coming on. Not the swine flu though.... got that one anyway. :( Don't work for chicken colds, different things causing them..

Nova, didn't know you were a single mom....sorry about the hubby comment....
My mom raised me and my sisters solo, and i know it's tough sometimes, especially when they are young.
I've cought up reading. All the talk of willows and a mention of posts, stirred memories of life long ago and some questions I never thought of then (or since) . When I was a kid of maybe 8 to 10 years, don't really remember age, wasn't paying much attention then, WW2 was going strong. We, my mom & dad, two brothers and four sisters, I was the youngest for most of that time, had a Victory Garden. Actually, we had two gardens. One was Small, a few vegies,lettuce, matters, pickles, radishes and the like on both sides of the path from the back door to the garrage by the alley and surrounded by borders of flowers. Gosh, I could just about use the same discription for our back yard today, except the utility access is not an alley, only power & phone lines. We lived in an area called Jackson Hill.
'Tis me again. Sorry about the interruption. I had to help Jo get dressed and didn't want to chance losing the part I ;had already entered. My computer is not working, slow & unpredictable, and frequently freezes. I've ordered a new one. This is nine years old & Dell salesman suggested time for a new one. I ordered a Tosheba. Anyone care? Didn' think so.
Gotta go now, so0 guess what! TBC...........
Good morning Michigan (and unnamed)

Opa, thought you would like this sweet poem on aging https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/625456/mahonris-3rd-annual-byc-easter-hatch-a-long/1520

60 miles from a Meijers here - is that beyond BFE?

Cake, pie, cookies, donuts, kuchen, danish, they are all pretty much OK with me, in case anyone is bringing any of the above to Chickenstock

LOVE the poem, I might be able to remember all the words

She is making plans to go to The Cancer Institute in Oklahoma. I just talked to her not long ago and she says she feels a little bit better than she was feeling so meds are helping some. Said she might move back home here after she gets out of hospital. I sure hope she does as she has no one in Arkansas anymore. Thanks for asking.
Glad to hear she is getting more opinions ,may find a new treatment that works for her .....Hope she moves back home also, need to be close to friends and family...

Mom2m, hope your furnace is fixed by the time you get home from work

chickens are sure loving this sunshine. Tomorrow is not going to be nice..
No chickies yet...I'm so curious to see what comes out of these eggs....color-wise and to see if there are showgirls! Oh! And all this time I've been trying to figure out if the showgirl I hatched last year (the one pictured not too long ago) was a hen or roo...it's a HEN!
I peeked into the coop yesterday to gather eggs and she was sitting in the nestbox with an egg under her! I'm guessing no roo would do that so it must be a hen! These silkies are a pain in the butt to figure out sex-wise!
I swear.... Kids.... mine are up for trade-in... you can trade up your cars... why can't I trade up my kids for models that don't talk back, pick up their socks, and wipe their own butts? That's not asking too much is it? and ones that are not abscessed with lmfao. (I meant abscessed, its rotting their minds. Party rock and I'm sexy and I know it in every possible parody!)

OH.........sorry, I stuck it out with the original model... their value actually increase as they age, if you can hang on to them long enough! LOL! Just don't enable them to leave socks out... every sock you have to pick up, will go to good will (or hidden in the attic).......eventually, they won't have any socks at all....and they'll get the hint....time to play hard ball and stick to your guns cause they're going to throw every punch they can muster!!!
Good sunny afternoon to y'all!

Chickens are out enjoying the sun and babies are growing SO fast! I'm actually thinking I may have THREE roosters out of my four chicks. My luck. I'll be bringing them to Chickenstock. Anyone looking for a nice little rooster? I'll bet the FBCM x BR or EE will be a handsome bird. The third from the left has some BR barring, but also some tiny little almost guinea looking white spots all over. Can't wait to see what he turns out like. Of course the only pullet is turning from a pretty yellow to a dingy off white. Oh well, at least she's a girl. I can't catch them to get closeup pictures but they are learning to come running to me with the rest of the flock when I come out of the house.

Mom - I hope your grey doesn't get sick. I would have offered to bring him home to stay with me for a few days if I would have been thinking! Infact I would have brought you all home, I have room! But then if he's anything like my macaw, he'd rather stay home and freeze with you than go someplace warm and unfamiliar.

Tap - I'm so very sorry to hear that your neighbor didn't survive the fire. I am praying for his wife, she truly is a hero after pulling him from the house the way she did. She will need lots of support in the weeks to come.

Opa - I love coconut and just remembered that I saved the recipe for your cake. Think I'm gonna make me one pretty soon here.

RaZ - You are a sick boy. Actually, my daughter does not like cake or pie or most desserts either. She was easy as a kid. Ice cream!
Sachi guarding his babies! I know the two in the middle are roos and thinking the one on the left is as well.

Yorkchick- Very nice story! I like it. :)

Mom- hope you get your furnace fixed without burning the house down!

You all know about the peacock that flew away, and got brought back? Well, on Saturday, I wanted to take a good look at him (Its a he for sure), so I grabbed him, and looked at his head, and saw that he had a running nose, a watery eye, and a puffy sinus. My first thought was ''OH NO, NOT MG!! PLEASE!
He has looked like what my turkey hen had last year that resulted destroying my flocks last fall. I had the vet come today, and he drew some blood out of the sick peacock, and 2 roos just to be sure-an Icelandic roo, and a Tomaru roo, and he will send the blood sample to the state lab to be tested. I will know the results within a week. I am so depressed that there may be a chance that I will have to kill everything, if the test results comes back positive for Mycoplasma G.
I just can't believe that its happening again, I had disinfected everything, and did not let anyone besides family members (I am the only one in the family that has poultry) pass the driveway, and this is happening. I am praying that is something else that is not serious, then I will not have to kill all of my baby chicks, and adult birds that I have. It hurts.
All the birds are confined in their pens until further notice. As soon the test results comes back, and if it is positive, then I will have to do that I have never done- kill everything on site, I do not wait to wait too long this time, just get it done and over with, but I pray that the test comes back negative.
Yorkchick- Very nice story! I like it.

Mom- hope you get your furnace fixed without burning the house down!
You all know about the peacock that flew away, and got brought back? Well, on Saturday, I wanted to take a good look at him (Its a he for sure), so I grabbed him, and looked at his head, and saw that he had a running nose, a watery eye, and a puffy sinus. My first thought was ''OH NO, NOT MG!! PLEASE!
He has looked like what my turkey hen had last year that resulted destroying my flocks last fall. I had the vet come today, and he drew some blood out of the sick peacock, and 2 roos just to be sure-an Icelandic roo, and a Tomaru roo, and he will send the blood sample to the state lab to be tested. I will know the results within a week. I am so depressed that there may be a chance that I will have to kill everything, if the test results comes back positive for Mycoplasma G.
I just can't believe that its happening again, I had disinfected everything, and did not let anyone besides family members (I am the only one in the family that has poultry) pass the driveway, and this is happening. I am praying that is something else that is not serious, then I will not have to kill all of my baby chicks, and adult birds that I have. It hurts.
All the birds are confined in their pens until further notice. As soon the test results comes back, and if it is positive, then I will have to do that I have never done- kill everything on site, I do not wait to wait too long this time, just get it done and over with, but I pray that the test comes back negative.
Oh now that truly suxs. I pray everything is ok with them and they are not positive.
So sorry Daron.
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