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I also took chick pictures today. Looking for those of you who can tell the girls from the boys. They are all getting so big.

This is Earl. Ameraucana. I'm thinking girl. This is my favorite of the batch because she loves to snuggle and be held.


Spike, Polishegger ?? hoping it's a girl. The noisiest of the bunch.


Toes, Cochin cross, Not sure doesn't like to be held.


Boz, Maran cross, I'm thinking roo, this is the really bald guy.


Monk, Welsummer, I'm sure it's a roo.


They all fight for a spot on their little roost. A bit at the rumpled stage.
LST Poultry
Theron - If you are right then the tail development would be useful for sexing. The two you picked as girls are what I also thought at first because they got tail feathers first.
Summary - Vaccinate your chicks.

For Mareks, ask the hatchery to vaccinate your chicks or use Fort Dodge POULVAC MD-VAC CFL Give once under skin of back of neck must be done at hatching. Chicks at the Tractor Supply or Farm and Family are not vaccinated.

For Fowl Pox and Coccidia- Vet Poultry Suppy 269-751-5151 Holland, Michigan and Cutler's Pheasant Supply 810 633-9450 Applegate Michigan www.cutlersupply.com

For Infectious Laryngotracheitis use only Pox vectored vaccine Biomune's VECTORMUNE FP LT because some vaccines for ILT can CAUSE the illness. Report this illness to th State Vets if you suspect it 517-373-1077

Poultry Health Handbook 4th edition is available free as a PDF file http://pubs.cas.psu.edu/Pubtitle.asp?varTitle=handbook, author is Dwight Schwartz, Penn State Univ. and a paperback is $20.

Biosecurity - Quarentine 21 days. Take care of your flock first each day and then the new chickens. Treat new birds with Ivermectin twice during the quarentine. 1 drop Ivermectin for bantams, 2 drops for std size birds on the skin on the back of their neck. Then put a couple of your own chickens in with the newcomers and see if they live (no kidding). If they all live, mix the flocks. HOWEVER - Dr. Karcher DOES NOT recommend mixing younger chickens with older ones. So he recommends keeping last years chicks in a separate flock from this years chicks.

P.S. The ideas expressed above and not those of chicken grandma. They are just my best understanding of the presentation given today. I do have most of this in writing on handouts which I picked up today at M.S.U. and will set out at Chickenstock.
Chicken Grandma (the tall one) and Snowflake running off with all the handouts we could carry to bring you at Chickenstock!!! (Dr. Karcher said it was fine to bring those for you!)

I bet you guys had a great time and learned a lot! That looks like a HUGE STACK of hand outs & how thoughtful of you to be willing to share what you learned with those of us who couldn't be there.. Greatly appreciated on my end.

I am in Holt Michigan outside of Lansing. Started with chickens about a year ago. I bought to pair of Serama from Jerry the gentleman who brought the breed to America. I started with B and D class and continued to buy eggs from other Serama breeders now I Have A and Micro A birds as well. Also am raising Coturnix quail and White Silkies, Mille Fleur, Cochin, and Seabrights. My mother was instrumental in this operation to get it going and has bought for spring (May) delivery Sultans, Spitzhauben, and Favorelles. We also have a couple of Polish roosters. All of my chickens are separated so no mixing of the breeds. I buy from NPIP sellers but havent been able to find a tester for my flock so I can be certified. Anyone know someone in Michigan who does this around my area. I really enjoy hatching eggs as my mother bought me a Sportsman incubator for Christmas last year. The picture on my profile is an Appenzeller Spitzhauben. Really like this bird.

Contact me if you know of a tester in my area. Email me at [email protected]

It is a pleasure getting to know all of you Michiganders
Welcome to BYC and The Michigan Thread.

I sooo do not miss that.....hopefully the warmer temps will take care it soon!
Theron - If you are right then the tail development would be useful for sexing. The two you picked as girls are what I also thought at first because they got tail feathers first.
How old are your chicks, Tap?
Is tail development really a good way to tell? My chicks are only a week old and just have the round fuzz butt. But I have 5 sex link pullets and I'll be comparing their tails to the SLWs.

ETA: just noticed the incorrect homonym in my original tale. I hate when I do that!
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Separate coops? I do that now... Or does he mean SEPARATE all together? Mine free range together kinda sorta... They mix, but no hang out together... Mostly it is a "GET AWAY FROM THAT ITS MINE EVEN THOUGH YOU WERE HERE FIRST GET AWAY!" LOL.
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