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I am exhausted! Putzed in the yard today, rearranged the portable fencing to isolate the hosta bed from the hens. Raked some of the area that needs to be seeded. I left the piles out where the neighbor could see them all day.

The I took the snow-blowers over to my Mom's garage, which I have claimed as my overflow garage. And reclaimed my summer yard machines (mower, tiller, chipper and aerator). While I was there, I chatted with Mom's neighbor and her DD and SIL. Turns out the kids are friends and neighbors with the ordinance guy here in Garden CIty. They said they would put in a good word for me. How lucky was that?

B737 stopped by in the morning to look at my coop and run set-up. He is a nice guy so I warned him about some of you.
Then I went out to Opa's for that apple wood that I told him I'd get about 2 or 3 weeks ago. The spring peepers were calling from the swamp and that was music for the soul. I love hearing frogs and toads in the spring. Plus I got to see his fine chicken ranch and all his beautiful birds. Some of the breeds I had never heard of before. Plus I got some great tips for smoking meat and fish.

I'm supposed to go out to Ypsi and play pool with some of the kids from school tonight but I haven't showered yet and this semi-old rooster can't dance all night with the young pullets anymore. Besides, the duck brooder needs to be cleaned AGAIN! Four little mallards are eating 2 1/2 quarts of grumble each day now, while the 8 chickie girls only eat a little more than a quart jar full. I can't imagine how much chick starter you go through when you have dozens of these little garbage can fuzz butts.

Better go back out and tidy up some things. I'll be back in a bit.
Hi from WA

Sounds like you are having much better weather than we are. Wish I had the chorus frogs going, it would mean spring is here. Oh well.

4 little mallards, eating a lot huh! Well, Himself has about 30 Muscovy eggs in the 'bator, 13 Anconas, 9 chicken, and he wants another 70, (yup, 70) Muscovy eggs, that's not counting the Saxony and Welsh Harlequin ducklings on order, or the 50 CornishX - I can't imagine the food bill! (Oh, and the goats and bunnies, not to mention food for US!)

Hey, send some nice weather our way please
B737 jinxed me when he stopped by. He pointed out an opening in the ceiling in the coop and asked if the birds ever went up there. I said that they hadn't.
So as I was closing up the garage, I noticed that the little chicks were missing. They had been on the roost 1/2 hour earlier. Then I spotted them...

Yup, they found the opening in the ceiling. I imagine, come morning, that they will be on the wrong side of the wall. Uggos are explorers!
What are Uggos (I notice they have crests - I Love crested birds!)

Oh, and nice of you to drop in to the WAr thread. I felt the same way about trying to read all you guys posts - daunting!
What are Uggos (I notice they have crests - I Love crested birds!)
Oh, and nice of you to drop in to the WAr thread. I felt the same way about trying to read all you guys posts - daunting!

Uggos are the 14 week old chicks that I got from Mom2emAll about 7 weeks ago. I forget what the crosses are but they were the UGLIEST chicks that I had ever seen. I think that they are part turkhen and cockatoo and based on size, some ostrich gene mutation.

And despite their size, they have shown that they can escape under a gate with a clearance the size of a brick.
The spy window says that there are people here. Why is no one talking?
I gave up a night of dancing with girls half my age. Just to spend some quality time with you guys.

How is this for a conversation starter?
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Sorry RaZ. It took me a few minutes to catch up. Don't you love the power of suggestion, though? I bet the uggos would never have known they had an escape route if it hadn't been pointed out.
Kind of reminds me of where 3 of the bantams I have decided to sleep at last night. I got home a bit after it got dark and they were nowhere to be found. The bigger chickens were already in their coop. I searched all over with a flashlight and finally found them on the roof outside my daughter's small window. Absolutely no way to get them down. Crazy birds.
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