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I would say, that's one he'll of a hematoma (sp?)! I'd be going to the clinic at least. My dad had that after a surgery, and when he showed the doc, cuz he was concerned, turned out a vessel was ruptured. Please consider going to have it looked at. It looks like its covering half yer tummy!
Juise, did you get it finished? You didn't call, so I am guessing your DH got it? Also, I was wondering if you could show me a fun vegan snack that I could try and convince my oldest to try. I need him to get with the program and eat veggie...
My guineas ducks and chickens all sleep in the same coop. The guineas like the high perch in the rafters, the chickens like the low ones and the ducks seem happy on the floor. They're muscovies and don't make the mess other kinds of ducks do in the water. Otherwise the guineas eat bugs, make fairly good alarms, taste good and are funny to watch.

What do you do with the guinea fowl?
Demerol? That stuff works great on me, but it knocks you out to sleep, don't know about it being just for pain, but maybe that's a different D drug.


Anyway, it took them two days to realize the reason I was dying was the morphine, and then they switched me over to something else, and it is after that I remember waking up the first time with any sense of clarity. I tried to look it up for you, but I am afraid I couldn't figure it out. The only thing I remember is that it started with a "D", and I don't know if it is something they can send home, I had it intravenously. I would certainly ask, though, if you are still in that much pain. There are alternatives.
Mom 2em All
I called the doctor..the surgeon. I told him about my swelling and bruising in a span of four hours after coughing. He didnt seem concerned at all. Told me to put a heating pad on it. So, fine. I am sitting here in 80 degrees with a heating pad on my belly.

Mom, they need to look at it right away. If you are bleeding on the inside that heat will make you bleed much worse. Especially if whatever you are taking for pain is thinning your blood. I will call my sis, (She had gallbladder surgery too) but i don't recall her bruising being nearly that bad. They are giving you the runaround cause they probably think you are exaggerating or something. I would go to the med center or back where it was done and insist on being looked at right away.
Is anyone here attending Fowlfest. April 28th? It is a very nice show, even if your just come to check out the sale area. This year they will hold the Michigan State 4H palooza . A lot of good info.. for any new chicken fanciers.
Welcome to the MI thread

Fellow "Michiganer" here! Sure is warm right now(80 degrees F.)!
Welcome to the MI thread

Agreed Mom2...something is not right. you get seen tonight please.

Yes, Mom 2, it does look much worse. Please, please go have it checked out. My sister too had that surgery and it never looked that bad.
Mom2 glad your surgery is done, however I agree with the others. the first show looked not to horrible , that last pic looks way worse. don't wait till it gets any latter. You may even need to go to emergency. Get it looked at.

Hi Michigan!

I have been absent for quite a spell...been in Florida and also spent 10 days on a tour with my daughter of England,Wales and Scotland. Saw some chickens from the tour bus as we whizzed by but no close ups! I check with my chicken sitter each weekend and other than getting a little bald from the roo they are doing fine.
I heard on the news about the tornadoes down state and I hope everyone and their flocks are ok!! I will be back first week of May and we are enjoying our time here very much...but do miss friends and my flock.
Hope the mild weather there doesn't screw up blooms and growth for our trees and flowers!
Fife (Linda)

Fifelakelooper, good to hear from you, souds like a great trip.

Fellow "Michiganer" here! Sure is warm right now(80 degrees F.)!
welcome k-12,

Mom2 loved the chick pics, momma hens are so cute when they puff up to keep others away
I am exhausted! Putzed in the yard today, rearranged the portable fencing to isolate the hosta bed from the hens. Raked some of the area that needs to be seeded. I left the piles out where the neighbor could see them all day.

The I took the snow-blowers over to my Mom's garage, which I have claimed as my overflow garage. And reclaimed my summer yard machines (mower, tiller, chipper and aerator). While I was there, I chatted with Mom's neighbor and her DD and SIL. Turns out the kids are friends and neighbors with the ordinance guy here in Garden CIty. They said they would put in a good word for me. How lucky was that?

B737 stopped by in the morning to look at my coop and run set-up. He is a nice guy so I warned him about some of you.
Then I went out to Opa's for that apple wood that I told him I'd get about 2 or 3 weeks ago. The spring peepers were calling from the swamp and that was music for the soul. I love hearing frogs and toads in the spring. Plus I got to see his fine chicken ranch and all his beautiful birds. Some of the breeds I had never heard of before. Plus I got some great tips for smoking meat and fish.

I'm supposed to go out to Ypsi and play pool with some of the kids from school tonight but I haven't showered yet and this semi-old rooster can't dance all night with the young pullets anymore. Besides, the duck brooder needs to be cleaned AGAIN! Four little mallards are eating 2 1/2 quarts of grumble each day now, while the 8 chickie girls only eat a little more than a quart jar full. I can't imagine how much chick starter you go through when you have dozens of these little garbage can fuzz butts.

Better go back out and tidy up some things. I'll be back in a bit.
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