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oh no...
turkeys,,,,,PLEASE everyone..
please. When you see me staring longingly at the turkey poults...PLEASE just take my arm and drag me away.
Hit me upside the head...throw me in the truck...throw me down...anything..
Remind me that I live in SUBURBIA and that turkeys are LOUD...tell me they are louder than Guineas and Geese...
emind me that I may NOT have a turkey.
I may NOT have a turkey and name him Tom and let him live happily ever after in my backyard...
Yes, yes, grab my arm and drag me away...just dont drag me anywhere near RIRJEN'S set up....
just give up and come to the dark side
You know... the only bad thing that I ever heard of Randy was that he was standoffish. I also understand that he will not let you in his pens at all. Personally, that is a good thing if he is breeding for profit or standards. Anyway, Maybe we are not talking of the same guy. I mean... There are several Randys online here abouts that sell chickens. I do think that if he was selling crap chickens, there'd be something more going on about it aside from the one person say it is so. This is the first I have ever heard anything bad about the guy, and like Olive, I'd like to see/read the proof that he sold unhealthy chicks. My neighbors met him in Ravena at the swap and purchased chicks from him one year... They still have a few of them running around, and they are hitting 3 years old.

Well anyway, got the next round of crookeds, straits, and zuchs in tonight. I need to get some new cucumbers though. Need to get some soil and fill my new carrot box. I have a nice sized box that I am going to grow them in. Lets see them damndable moles eat them this time. I am also going to try to get the lettuces to grow in another box just like it. Actually, is it alright to grow lettuces this time of year with the heat starting to be constant? I really do not know, as this is the first time trying them for me. I think I may also start some more beans. I have a few poles going now, but I think I may want a few more.

OMG... I am tired. I need to hit the hay. Have a nice night every one.
Ya know... You could just get a shock bracelet... or collar... and any time you get to close to something you aren't really needing... Just have some one hit the button. LOL.
hmmmm...nah, i am leaving my hubby at home..he's enough of a shock-collar.
He is injured, he cant come.

And if Randy were to get ahold of the button....
Nice video, M2. It's not quite what I was thinking though.... LOL!

It did remind me of a children's book I have. I found it at goodwill when the youngest was... well, younger... she loved/loves Curious george and I found quite a few old Curious George books for $0.25 each. Brought them home and upon closer inspection found some interesting contents that would never fly these days. In one book, Curious George huffs glue and the whole story is about him being high.
Thank-you Olive. It's late and I'm tired ....so the bourbon reds have smaller breasts than narrs? Y shaped ? Sorry, I'm confused. Yes, I'm looking for primarily a good meat bird, but I have a tendency to get attached to my critters....and so does my daughter, so the big fluff butt may end up being a pet. Which is fine as long as its gentle and friendly, pretty wouldn't hurt either...I hear turkey eggs are delicious.
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