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Ha! Go ahead, send him up... I'm sure you can imagine just how nurturing I am so you know what kind of "care" he'll get here. How is he at garden work?

Black head. They don't get it from the chickens per se... but yes. It's mostly harmless to chickens, who then act like carriers. They increase the presence of it in the soil and then the turkeys get it from the soil and, unfortunately, it's often fatal for them.

I might. More likely the fact that I'm halfway through a bottle of cheap Trader Joe's wine though. I need to make another trip down there just to restock.
I am certain that my husband would only benefit from your style of nuturing. My daughter as well.
I should send them both.

And "halfway though a bottle of Trader Joe's wine..."

Good! I was worried that you were going soft.
Thank-you ladies. I think I'll see.if I can get ahold of this Randy guy. Muskegon really isn't that far from me. Anybody willing to help me decide in a breed. Are.bourbon reds a good choice? Narragansets? Standard bronze? Royal palm? I want friendly turkeys since I may chicken out on Thanksgiving dinner and have big pets instead.

your chicks wont settle down and go to bed. They are driving me MAD...

somehow they seem to have imprinted somewhat on my cat.
My cat stares at them, and they get as close to her as they can. She puts her paw on their cage and they peck at her foot. Mind you, there is no nuturing in her...her name is Olive....
nah, just kidding..
she really wants to snatch them...

anyhow, she has gone on to prowl for some other trouble and they are PEEP PEEP PEEP PEEPing..

makin me nuts..
Oh, hey! Reading his old (OLD!) posts and he has dark cornish??? Anyone know if he still has them? RB?
Ellie -- I don't think Randy has Narragansetts, so if you're buying from him those are out. As are Standard Bronze, I think. Royal palms are not good meat birds, so if your intent is to eat them you'll be best to choose another breed. If they're quality RPs they will have a Y shaped breast, that is much smaller than even other DP/Heritage turks. Bourbon Reds are a good meat bird and most tend to be docile. They're quiet comparable to Narrs, but not as pretty.

Fine, I might be a little partial on that last part. Narrs are the best turkeys EVER! But Randy doesn't have them. Eeyore does. And her lines are very docile. The Tom she has is a few years old now and has never once shown aggression towards a human and he comes from a long line of very similar gentlemen. They're also bred to standard (don't know about Randy's turks so not saying one way or the other) which is important if you want meat turkeys. In recent years turkeys have been bred smaller and smaller, like chickens, by the big hatcheries.
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