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Fast update - gotta run to work.
Prayers for your sister Nova..good luck today Raz, Darron I hope your cow and sow are okay,.

Took my husband back to the ER yesterday at 8pm. His right leg is swollen from the knee down, and red. His left foot still has stitches in it- his appointment is today to recheck it again, but it hadnt healed all the way so she wouldnt take them out. Well, the er waited until midnight to call us back. I was worried it may be a blood clot. SO, they did ultrasound at one am to rule that out. Ruled it out, and admitted him for cellulitis- I got home at three thirty this morning. I have to be to work at seven, so i am about to head out and take his cellphone and charger and clean clothes up to him.

I hope my animals make it- gonna be a scorcher today. I would take all bunnies with me to work, but after work, I am going to the hospital and wouldnt have anywhere to put them.

Have a good day everyone.
Prayers for your DH.

Nova... Also, prayers for your sitser.

Raz.... Good luck today!
Mom, I am sorry to hear that your husband's legs are still an issue. Hoping he does better soon.

Nova, your sister would best be served by at least an examination and evaluation at a referral facility such as UofM or even better the Mayo clinic. They are more likely to see unusual cases like hers, and have more experienced staff on hand. Yes it is an incovencience, but you would not be sorry to have spent the time on her. Hope she makes some improvements soon.

For those who bury dead critters, any carcass that you don't want dug up should be buried at least 2 feet underground. That means the top of the carcass should have a minimum of 2 feet of dirt over it - and not mounded up.
My sister... Well, they want to do the rouen y surgery AGAIN! They hope to try and fix it again. Taking 1/2 the liver is such a hard thing that they are playing guinea pig with my sister since she is such an odd ball case. She's not asserting herself enough with the DR. I think HE is hoping that if they can finally fix it with out partial liver removal she'll drop the lawsuit. UM, NOT! So, I told her boyfriend that as soon as she is out of the hospital, to take her to Spectrum, or ask to be transferred to spectrum. He said they may be sending her over the university. Ok, well that's better, but HELLO! No family over there dipstick. They can do partial liver removal at Spectrum. I know, because I called, spent hours on the dang phone today. They want her to go to the university because she is an oddball case, and then it can be documented... blah blah blah. I don't care about that, I'd just like my sister to be able to go home, stay home, and not be doped up on so much pain killer. She called me crying because she wants to go home, wants it finished, and is worried she's turning into a pain drug addict. I never mentioned before, but my sister was pretty messed up as a kid with that, but has been clean for about 17 years, so this legitimately scares to poo out of her. Well, anyway, this is the update on her.
WOW! Well your sister and your family definitely have prayers from me. Having had major heath issues since birth and living on pain pills about that long I can really relate. I am very fortunate to not have an addictive personality so I can take or leave pain meds. I have a life-long script to several but I don't take them that often, certainly not as often as I'm supposed to. I went to the doctor last week complaining about my feet and a lack of an ability to walk. I got lectured that I don't take my pills. I then lectured her back saying I'd like to keep my liver thank you and living on pain pills only masks the pain. Maybe I'm crazy but sometimes I like to have the pain, it reminds me that I'm alive..which I shouldn't be at this point!

I really hope she gets to go home soon! It's awful to be shuffled from one place to another on top of not knowing what's going on. But despite that there's nothing like home!
For those who bury dead critters, any carcass that you don't want dug up should be buried at least 2 feet underground. That means the top of the carcass should have a minimum of 2 feet of dirt over it - and not mounded up.
We buried our dog 6 feet.

According to U.C. Davis

Page 3 paragraph 6; 4-6 feet minimum

Less than that the smell WILL attract predators to dig them up unless you use some kind of chemical, lye I think.
BobBry - Your hens are so healthy and fluffy looking. My girls are all bald on back because of the rooster. You have beautiful birds and a very nice secure looking set up for them. Love the morning glories covering the coop and run and making it all shady for them. Looks like you have happy birds!

Prayers for your DH, Kim and for Nova's sister and little Micah and anyone else I missed. God knows who they are.

Too hot to do anything outside today. The birds are in the cool shade under the deck making big dust bath holes and wandering back into the woods to scratch around from time to time. Giving them lots of cool water and a treat of cold corn on the cob later this afternoon. Trying different ways of keeping the coop cooler by turning the fans to blow OUT instead of in and keeping the door shut. It's very well insulated with house insulation and generally stays about 8-10 degrees cooler inside than out, but it is still about 92 in there today. The poor girls are panting up a storm while trying to lay. At night I will reverse the fans to blow the cooler night air inside. So far have not lost anyone due to heat.

My daughter and SIL came over last Saturday to cut up a large oak tree that had fallen into my pond. The tree is actually two joined at the base and both gradually falling away from each other. One over the pond and the other over my fence. The one side fell but the one over the fence is still standing, for now. I think it will catch in some of the other trees that will keep it from taking out the fence. I'll have him cut it down at that point. When he was done with the tree he took the cover off my AC unit and cleaned the cottonwood fuzz off the condenser for me. An AC repair guy once told me when I hold my hand over the air blowing up from the fan it should not be hot or warm. If it is it's because the condenser is covered and working too hard. Now it's blowing cool air from the fan and my house is wonderfully cool inside! I feel for everyone who does not have AC during these really hot days. Come on over to my house and we'll have some iced coffee and chill.

Interesting day in court this morning.
I won't discuss it here where prying noses lurk, but you can PM or call me.

BTW, someone was in my yard while I was gone. Things were moved and the gate was left open.
:: mumble grumbles ::

Update: I talked to the insurance company and they are having someone come out to check to see if there is water damage. They already told me that the padding underneath the carpet will have to be replaced ...and maybe the linoleum in the laundry room. They said it will take about 3 days to make sure that the room is dried out. So tonight I will have to remove items from the closet and the bedroom so they can rip up the carpet and inspect/replace/dry.

I wonder how much this is all going to cost me....

Do you have a big box store or rental place nearby? You can rent those special fans they use for drying up water damage. It's a big fan that looks like a snail shell.

Oh, and try some "damp rid". (I wonder if PDZ would help with the moisture/dampness)
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Mom, I am sorry to hear that your husband's legs are still an issue. Hoping he does better soon.

Nova, your sister would best be served by at least an examination and evaluation at a referral facility such as UofM or even better the Mayo clinic. They are more likely to see unusual cases like hers, and have more experienced staff on hand. Yes it is an incovencience, but you would not be sorry to have spent the time on her. Hope she makes some improvements soon.

x 2, 2,3,or4 opinions, then do what she feels best with. it is her life, and it sounds like the Dr. are playing guessing games,
Interesting day in court this morning.
I won't discuss it here where prying noses lurk, but you can PM or call me.

BTW, someone was in my yard while I was gone. Things were moved and the gate was left open.
Raz you need to get cameras, maybe you could get someone for trespassing

Mom hope your DH is well soon, sorry to hear he is still having trouble

birds are drinking lots of water, glad they have shade and a breeze
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