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Absolutely call the police. whether your mom can remember anything about them or not. This NEEDS to be put in writing. They will keep harassing, and intimidating as long as they think you will do nothing about it.
You need to fight back with these people. If they are going to call th pd on you, then HARASS your mom, well call the pd on them. What they've done I do believe is an even greater crime than your having a walking fried dinner and an automatic breakfast maker.

HARASS!! Stupid touch pad!
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You need to fight back with these people. If they are going to call th pd on you, then bantams your mom, well call the pd on them. What they've done I do believe is an even greater crime than your having a walking fried dinner and an automatic breakfast maker.


What am I going to do with seremas? How can I possibly let something so tiny free range? Would I be better off building them a special coop and run? I am thinking something that is inside the dog run, but that the dogs can not get into, but would be safer than just running around the yard? I wanted seremas, if ya'll recall... BUT, I was waiting on things. Like building an aviary just for them. Wanted to build the aviary first... Well, didn't work that way, so... Advice on keeping this pair from becoming dinner for predators.
Things are getting out of control...
People went to my Mom's house and threatened or intimidated her regarding my chickens, dogs, yard and whatever else they could think of.

My poor Mom is near hysterical with fear. She wouldn't tell me who they were or how many, but I have my suspicions. She has been scared out of her wits.
This is absolutely outrageous, I can't believe how insensitive and cruel people can be. You definitely should report this to the police!!
Things are getting out of control...
People went to my Mom's house and threatened or intimidated her regarding my chickens, dogs, yard and whatever else they could think of.

My poor Mom is near hysterical with fear. She wouldn't tell me who they were or how many, but I have my suspicions. She has been scared out of her wits.
Wow, I'm in stunned disbelief. I know you're a smart guy and I hope you're documenting all these incidents and reporting them to the PD. I'm sorry, no one deserves this type of drama.
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