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Hi all. I was outside and took some more pics to share.

Kodiak -- excuse the dirt, he's been digging.


BR in the new nest boxes.

Couple pics of EEs

Beautiful Birds!

Well I'm getting 200 meat birds in during the next two weeks, so I headed to Richmond this week to check our the "Farm and Family" store. Big Mistake.
Everyone has been telling me what good prices they have, and they are right!! Picked up all the supplies I needed....and a couple of cheeps that I could not pass up. The sign said they were Araucanas, but of coarse they really are not. I brought 3 home, and they are cute as buttons. What should I call them? EE, Ameracanas, ???? I would like to find a roo for them also if anyone nearby has one.

I did not notice the dogs eyes! Cool! My chocolate lab has one brown eye and one gold eye, very strange. I always tell people that one is his "good" eye and the other is his "evil" eye. That way we can judge his mood for the day.
We went to the Fowlerville Coop this afternoon and they had chicks and some ducks. A mom was coming back with her teenage daughters. They called their dad to get reinforcement to get the last 3 ducks and the meat chickens that were left. They were so excited about the ducks. They were planning on keeping them in their bedroom!
I think that DD will be taking ME to work today. She is a homeschooled 15 y.o., active with 4-H. Today, she is giving a presentation about chickens to a special education class. I will be her assistant. It should be VERY interesting, to say the least.

How did it go?

My daughter is preparing to give presentations all day at the Livingston County Farm Bureau Project RED day in May. Gets a little boring saying the same thing over and over again, but it is great experience.

We also homeschool! We will be done on May 6th, since project RED is May 7th.
I'd call them EEs, too. My roo was said to be an Americauna (sp?), but I'm sure he's not. He came from a hatchery. So I just call him an EE to be safe.
Thanks guys, I want to make sure I'm saying the correct thing. I emailed the lady with the add for her roo, we will see what happens. The three pullets I did bring home are 1 week old, and are already showing some attitude. One of them is jet black with golden highlights, and the other two are more of a dark brown. I'm sure they will be gorgeous when they mature.

I'm almost ready for the meat birds to arrive. I'll have 100 cornish crosses and 20 white BB turkeys arriving next week, and 100 colored meat birds the following week. I use my old horse trailer as a brooder, so I've got plenty of room for all! Easy to seperate and plenty of windows and venting!

Very LOOOOOONG adolescence!

Koda was a rescue dog that we took in at 1year. I left for the shore-to-shore ride (horse across the state) a couple of months after we took him in. He was so upset that I was gone that he ate the drywall in our laundry room. Think brand new house. Needless to say, when I decided to complete the ride again in 2008 I took Koda with me. He cuddled with me in bed (dressing room of Horse Trailer) every night keeping me warm. He stayed with the Horse trailer all day while I was on the trail without a complaint! Yes it is usually the "good" eye, but every once in awhile he pulls a drywall type trick again, and I swear he is looking at me through his glowing gold eye every time.


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Hi All:frow
Such a nice day. I got all of the laundry done and hung out on the line. Everything smells all fresh.
Nice looking dog and babies.
We have americanas too and even the chicks are feisty.
A couple of them have some really nice markings and should be pretty birds.
I had put our new Momma bantum out with her babies. Later I went outside and heard one really crying. It is so tiny and was all cold and shivering. So we put them back inside and will keep them in for a week.

Gave our little puppy a bath. Now he is all soft and smells so good. He did good for a little guy. Now we have to bathe our other little dog too.
Tomorrow is the Maple Syrup festival and we will be gone all day yard saling.
Have a great night all!! God Bless!!!
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