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Nope, sure didn't. I sold the last of what I had for sale yesterday...3 white chicks I hatched from LockedHearts' eggs. I haven't totally decided if I'm going to sell my Columbian chicks yet...waiting on them to mature a little more.

For now, I'm on the receiving end for chicks!
Hi everyone,

I don't get online every day, so there's no possible way I can keep up with all of you... but I still wanted to say hello and let you know that I lurk here occasionally. Today I was supposed to receive the remainder of my chick order through the Eaton Farm Bureau Co-op, but when I got there, I found out that I was once again shorted on my order. Maybe I should have taken it as a sign that I ordered too many chicks, but instead I went straight to TSC to see what they had. (Last week, the co-op accidentally sold my banties, and I found some at TSC the very same day).

Well.... when I got to TSC in Charlotte, they had all their week-old chicks on sale for $.50, so I just couldn't say no! I did show some restraint, and only bought 12 to replace the 12 missing from my order, but I got 3 straight run RIR, 3 columbian rock pullets, 3 isa brown pullets, 3 partridge rock pullets. These are all a week old, in addition to my day-old pullets that I got today at the co-op: 3 black austrolorps, 3 barred rock, 3 silver laced wyandotte, 3 ameracauna.

I have had the African geese, runner ducks, buff orpingtons and bantams all in the same brooder box for a week. I've had no problems, except for the ducks splashing water all over the place. Now the people at TSC tell me that I absolutely have to separate the day-olds from the week-olds because of body size... now I'm confused, but I did it. My plan WAS to separate the water fowl into a plastic container... but I guess I'll have to do some more research now.

I ended up going back to TSC in the evening to get another chick feeder, and made my husband come in with me "unless you want me to end up buying more chicks." Of course, they were all sold out of the week-olds by then... there were 100's of them when I left this afternoon... guess I was meant to get the ones I did! Here's hoping they all get along.

Anyway... I'm a brand-new poultry mama, but I just wanted to say hello from Eaton Rapids.
Hi Valerie,

Those babies will be fine with the older ones, they are only a week apart. I do it all the time. I would separate the waterfowl because they make huge messes and the geese will outgrow everyone else in leaps and bounds!!

I had one baby hatched today, it was so lonely and crying, I stuck it in with Michelle's 4 week old's! I tried to crawl underneath them!!

Funny thing is, it is also a mottled cochin bantam, so it looks like it is their baby!! I had put a partition up to separate the geese because they were slobbing up the chicks, and then today the tiny baby kept slipping through, so I had to fix that, because even at a week old, the geese would have squashed him like a bug!!
I'm not ready yet, babs...my bator won't have any empty space until around May 11th.

All of my silkies run together. And right now, I've temporarily added a black roo to the flock. 1 of my hens decided to go on strike a few days ago
, so I've only got the 1 hen laying now...and that's not every day. I thought I was going to be able to get some eggs to you next week, but since the 1 hen quit on me, I can't collect enough in a week to make it worth the trip.
Morning everyone!
Oh how I missed my morning coffee with my chicken friends, so nice to have a computer back!
I am off to hang clothes on the line! Sure hope it warms up a little or my fingers might freeze off!

Have a great day everyone!
Morning all!! I hear we have a beautiful day coming our way!!
I am so thankful!!
Hopefully it will dry up my yard!!

Didn't get alot of sleep last night and my five year old is chatting my ear off, nothing unusual there, just sometimes, you wish they didn't learn to talk until they were 10!
Oh wait, then they would start right into the preteen stuff!

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