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Morning all. Sad news this morning. We lost one of our wellie pullets over the weekend.
We were at our cabin in Tawas for the weekend and when we came home we found we were one hen short. Have the 6 comets, 5 wellie hens and 3 wellie roosters left. I guess that make the wellie eggs in the bator right now all that much more important.
that is because she hatched out with two goslings!
she is a silly goose at heart!

she was hanging with the mixed ducks. (they prefer the term 'designer')

i could ask a friend if he has any available....he is supposed to be bringing me some and wants some pepperoni rolls AARON!
mister i get to travel all over the world and whatnot!
i'll find out for you!

geez....i just noticed i missed a couple of pages! sorry about the baby lost!

i'll try to catch up on everyone's adventures/misadventures etc! where have i been! man! i gotta tunnel out!
p.s. i added a monthly contest on our website guys! it is going to be fun and it's free to enter of course, you just have to join the site so that i can be able to contact the winners (so they can get their prize!!!) so feel free!
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I got talked into taking a white call duck name Buddy, so she is buddies with him for now. I guess I will be looking for a female call come nest spring.

Anyway, did you say you have campbell eggs for hatching?

that is because she hatched out with two goslings!
she is a silly goose at heart!

she was hanging with the mixed ducks. (they prefer the term 'designer')

i could ask a friend if he has any available....he is supposed to be bringing me some and wants some pepperoni rolls AARON!
mister i get to travel all over the world and whatnot!
i'll find out for you!

geez....i just noticed i missed a couple of pages! sorry about the baby lost!

i'll try to catch up on everyone's adventures/misadventures etc! where have i been! man! i gotta tunnel out!
p.s. i added a monthly contest on our website guys! it is going to be fun and it's free to enter of course, you just have to join the site so that i can be able to contact the winners (so they can get their prize!!!) so feel free!
A. No Campbell eggs yet, but could by the end of the season.
C. You know, my Calls are for up for grabs.......

'Mr. Victor...Mommy says I should come live at your house.....'

Well the sneek the turkeys in a night started very well. Everyone was calm and or asleep. Turkeys went right on the roost and stayed all night. At least they were still there this morning. I went in and opened the chicken door at 6am. Some decided to keep sleeping half went outside along with my big turkey hen. MJ you are right all the chickens looked at the poults like I never noticed you before and went on their way. Well when the hen came back in she noticed them and knew they were not supposed to be in the coop. She poofed up, hissed, made some other weird noises and went for them feet first. Almost got one down. No pecking or chasing she just wanted them gone or dead. So now they are back into the big brooder and will stay there till I get ahold of the processer to see when everyone can go in. The roosters are getting way to rowdy now too. Taking feather out of some of my pullets. 14 weeks is long enough. I do like the crowing. Big guy gets to stay.
yikes. hissing is not good. sassy. sassy, sassy, sassy! want me to send Little Daddy over for a chat?

i just had an awesome visit with two really nice BYC members! i will save it as a secret until they reveal it! they are kind of 'lurkers' and didn't know about the Michigan thread.

hope they check in tonight!
hey, LMC..i just noticed you posted at 2:34....what does it mean??? what does it MEAN.........
i HATE when the clock numbers are in sequence. aaaaaagh.

it makes me a little PSYCHO. and then i must go get my shovel. and brush my teeth a lot.

i brushed my teeth. a lot. they are uber shiny. i haven't gotten the shovel out yet. YET.
i wonder what i could go whack outside......
Whack the ground up a little bit for the chickies! They LOOOOOVE having the dirt turned so they have better access to all the wormies! We've been known to almost chop a few heads off, by accident, because they get way to excited and don't want to wait.

Awww, you'd let me do that for you! You are TOOOO KIND!

Hubby blew mine out with the power washer this weekend. Talk about the easy way out huh? Tee-heeeee!

Enjoy scrub-a-dub-dubbing!
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