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Good morning all. Hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable 4th. We went to the big town of Cohoctah for their annual parade. Then the church my son attends has a hog roast that is open to everyone and we had a great meal. Came home and sat down in the recliner for a few minutes and woke 4 hours later. That sure added to the 4th of July excitement. It did feel good though. I'm debating whether to just relax today or go get started on another job. There never seems to be any rest for the weary, but in today's economy you can't afford to let any job get by.
Got up and walk/ran 6 miles this morning. What a perfect day! Saw a large buck, heard pheasants, and rabbits galore:)

off to get chores done and ready for church.

Tomorrow My oldest 3 will be home from Camp Barakel. It has been a long week doing all of their chores- animal and house!

have a wonderful day!
MJ -would you please come to Oakland Twp and tell the chocolate muscovy that she is a duck and should hang our with the ducks! She definitely likes the geese a lot better but they don't want to be anywhere near her. What breed of ducks was she hanging out with? I am already thinking of getting her a couple buddies.
I have a chicken who things she is a duck, I bet my chicken and you duck would make wonderful friends haha

I sure hope my chicken isn't a rooster though she was making "rooster like noises" this morning for the first time ever. uh oh!
Wow everyone must be outside today. Independance Lake is really nice. The kids are pooped. Wish me luck the Sweetgrass turkeys are going outside late tonight into the coop. Hopefully it goes smoothly by morning.
Hopefully everyone has had a nice 4th. Now we need to start thinking about Chickenstock. I sure am looking forward to meeting all of you and hopefully lots of you will be able to attend. Granny has been very busy working on her pin cushion chicken flock. She says that she wants to make sure that she has enough so the every woman attending who wants one will go home with one. At last count she was up to 55, so more of you need to try to make it so that none of these cloth roosters have to be homeless. I know that the accepted practice is to cull when you have to many roosters, but what do you do when they are made out of cloth? https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=184561
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Our property has a pond that has a creek that navigates to Independence Lake - you were practically in our back yard! In fact, our son works at the lake, you may have seen him in the gate house or concession building. It is a beautiful spot for sure.

We went to a family reunion in Stony Creek Metropark - the other side of the world for us. Saw people I haven't seen in close to 10 years - family my husband has never met. Really was a good day, perfect weather.

AND, today I tripled my egg production, from 1 to 3. Yes, I was down to 1 stinking egg from 6 pullets, my fingers are crossed that whatever was slowing down the egg production is over with.
Hope everyone had a great Fourth! What a beautiful weekend! The kids had tons of fun watching fireworks and running around like crazy people.

Our bedroom window was open last night. At about 2:30am I awoke to one of the strangest sounds that I or my husband has ever heard! It was a shrieking coughing bark sound and it was close! So woke the hubby and as soon as we opened the door the sound immediately stopped. The cats were looking towards the field area and they seemed spooked. Hubby is a hunter and fisherman and has never heard that kind of sound before. I was thinking maybe bobcat, but after listening to some sound bytes today online, Don and I both think it was a fox (territory call). Oh, great!!!! Well, free ranging might be out of the question for a while! Or maybe for an hour or so before dusk while I'm out in the garden, too. Usually the chickens are right out there with me.
Hello everyone!! Sure hope all of you had as nice a weekend as I did. I did have to work the entire weekend, but it was ok. I still had alot of fun. I am hoping that Tuesday will be a nice day. I have a big garden that needs alot of attention, and I have Tuesday off work. I am sure looking forward to meeting all of those going to Lansing on Aug 1. Good night all.
Good morning everyone. We were also camping this weekend with the family. It was a wonderful time! The kids got to bring their bikes this time and that made all the difference in the world. They had so much fun and that made hubby and I happy to see.

Been thinking a lot about getting some meat birds from MJ next month. We have 39 chickens and 4 turkeys right now so I don't know if getting say 25+ meat birds will stress out the flock I have right now.... Any thoughts from anyone? Wondering if I might be pushing my luck. I suppose we could just purchase the chicken from the local butchery but there's nothing like raising your own right
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