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Good morning!! It is Friday the 1st day of vacation. We are having a staycation. You know stay home on vacation. But today I plan on getting some house work, laundry, and grocery shopping done. Actually it doesn't sound like a vacation so far. But that is ok. I only have my kids in the house for 4 days. That is nice.

Good morning everyone!!!! Today promises to be a great day, lots of action and adventure awaiting... o rats, have to go help my folks with a garage sale

Kiddin though, looks like the rain may hold off for a little bit eh?
I can't beleive I caught up on all these posts!!
To all the newbies
to the madness!!!

My garden is over run with weeds, In the process of mulching with old rotted manure and grass chippings. Hard to get out there and git her done though!! Its either raining buckets or raining skeeters!!! My tomatoes, zucchini, and peppers are doing good but my corn and beans are not. I did not have a good return on the seeds I planted. Only 3 beans and about 10 corn came up. I've never had a problem with corn and beans. I guess cold damp ground when I planted over Memorial day weekend was the problem. Seeds just rotted
Morning Everyone - Huston here - can anyone tell me how to get a picture next to my name when I post? When I signed up, I just threw a name out there, but I have a cute pic that I'd like to show next to my name - thanks!
My garden is over run with weeds, In the process of mulching with old rotted manure and grass chippings. Hard to get out there and git her done though!! Its either raining buckets or raining skeeters!!! My tomatoes, zucchini, and peppers are doing good but my corn and beans are not. I did not have a good return on the seeds I planted. Only 3 beans and about 10 corn came up. I've
never had a problem with corn and beans. I guess cold damp ground when I planted over Memorial day weekend was the problem. Seeds just rotted

I hear ya! We planted when we always do -- around the 8th of June. The grain elevator told me there has been alot of seed rot and seed fungus. So I've replanted some green beans and pumpkins. I know it's late, but worth a try. Pepper plants, tomatoes, and potatoes look great, but everyting else looks stunted. Going to get some manure this week. Hopefully that and some warmer weather get things going around here!!!!!!!!
I am wondering if you have clay soil. We have sand here (at least where the garden is) and everything germinates like crazy. Keeping it going is another story (I will take rain every other day )l

My garden is over run with weeds, In the process of mulching with old rotted manure and grass chippings. Hard to get out there and git her done though!! Its either raining buckets or raining skeeters!!! My tomatoes, zucchini, and peppers are doing good but my corn and beans are not. I did not have a good return on the seeds I planted. Only 3 beans and about 10 corn came up. I've
never had a problem with corn and beans. I guess cold damp ground when I planted over Memorial day weekend was the problem. Seeds just rotted

I hear ya! We planted when we always do -- around the 8th of June. The grain elevator told me there has been alot of seed rot and seed fungus. So I've replanted some green beans and pumpkins. I know it's late, but worth a try. Pepper plants, tomatoes, and potatoes look great, but everyting else looks stunted. Going to get some manure this week. Hopefully that and some warmer weather get things going around here!!!!!!!!

I think the beans can be replanted, they will just be small plants when they flower and produce beans. The corn is probably a no go unless I can find transplants
. Ankle high by the 4th of July!!!
We are still planting corn at our house. we have a fresh crop every few weeks. I have the corn that matures in 70 days or so. So you still have time:)

My garden is doing awesome! The potatoes have LOVED the rain!

Extra weeding and rotatilling though.

Need to pick more strawberries today...the joy of your own patch.

Wow! I hope everyone is doing ok after their falls/near falls. I'm thinking I just might fit in with ya'll after all.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Independence day!
My DH is on vacation for the next week.
I will be happy to have him home with me again.
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