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we have peoples horses get loose, cows, bulls etc. the grain bucket is ALWAYS the answer! always go with the sweet feed!

Victor...it's totally up to you, whenever is fine! it is so beautiful! i will try to go snap a pic later if i can. it's just the softest brown ever! your girls will go nutty for it!

i just saw a commercial for Strawberry Peanut Butter M&M's. that sounds SO VERY disgusting. am i loosing my mind, or is that just bizarre?
see, now that does NOT sound icky to me. i love dried cherries in cookies.

it's just that M&M's should be M&M's. can't they just create a new candy! why mess with them?

i feel grumpy about this issue! someone pass me a soap box! harumph!
i use a butterfly net too! works awesome. i look like a dork, but at least i don't have to run fast!

i feel better than my pride does!

dang it. can't say i didn't try!

i want a gator or a 4wd something or other. James says i 'need' one so i can feed the chickens faster. that kid's a genius and deserves more in my will.

MJ, hook up a garden trailer up to Jame's Go-Cart!!!! That has more than enough power to go up the hill and all around!!! You can get the acrylic and metal ones from HD for way cheap!
i use a butterfly net too! works awesome. i look like a dork, but at least i don't have to run fast!

i feel better than my pride does!

dang it. can't say i didn't try!

i want a gator or a 4wd something or other. James says i 'need' one so i can feed the chickens faster. that kid's a genius and deserves more in my will.

MJ, hook up a garden trailer up to Jame's Go-Cart!!!! That has more than enough power to go up the hill and all around!!! You can get the acrylic and metal ones from HD for way cheap!

i can barely fit in it! last time my leg flung out and i almost ran myself over!

MOM DOWN! we have a Mom down!
Ok. I went to get all the paperwork signed. And my husband got to sit on it. The mower deck and bucket were shipped out today. Once they get there they will deliver everything. Should be Monday or Tuesday. Well anyways Art had me take a picture of him on this thing. I think it is kinda cute and funny.

you hush ya mouth! okay, fine don't. i was laughing too! the best part is i was laughing and running my leg over!

BRIANA! that is awesome! so J E A L O U S!!!!!
I had my own "DORK" moment today. I was out in the drizzle trying to move the hoop house and off in lala land. My feet went out from under me and I sat right down in th yucky grass the meaties had just been free ranging on. I'm sure I had quite the comical look on my face as I sat there a moment to process what had just happend. Very long day!
I had my own "DORK" moment today. I was out in the drizzle trying to move the hoop house and off in lala land. My feet went out from under me and I sat right down in th yucky grass the meaties had just been free ranging on. I'm sure I had quite the comical look on my face as I sat there a moment to process what had just happend. Very long day!

I witnessed a pretty good dork moment today. My dad was carrying a tank of baby degus today and began to slip in a patch of mud. He kinda reached out (for me to help him I guess
) But, I just grabbed the tank and let him fall. He wasn't too happy, but the degus were
Your poor dad, but at least the degus where ok

I almost had a dork moment yesterday, I tripped in the chicken run on on a big ol' dust bathing hole, and almost landed face first in the duck pool! Good thing I caught myself. That would have been a mess.

Guess what I'm allowed to get for my birthday....TWO MORE CHICKENS!

Now I have to find some one who have chicks this time of year. Anyone have any ideas? (breeds I'm interested in Wyondotts, barred rocks, Easter Egger, Orpingtons, Marans...and probly some others). I'd prefer to get them locally and not through the mail.
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