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I wonder if you use one of the pet stain removers like Simple Solution or Out Pet Stain Remover if it would help. They have the enzymes in them that "eat" the odor out of pet accidents, and I have used it before when pets or kids have barfed and it seemed to help. You can usually find Out at Walmart or sometimes grocery stores. Simple Solution I have usually found at pet stores. Good luck!!!
Today I put three bantam hens and one rooster in the chicken ark. Not sure if they will figure out how to go up the ramp tonight. I may have to set them inside for a few nights. I've got five welsummers, 2 ameraucanas, and 2 ISA browns in the tractor and I've had the front open all day to allow them to go outside and they've yet to ventuire out. Tomorrow night they are going to get moved into larger quarters and a pair of orpington bantams will go into the tractor till winter. Forty one chickens. An incredible number when one considers that it was my intent to only have three or four laying hens. I certainly have more than enough eggs for our use. So far this year I've collected over 1900 eggs. Last year I got 2941 and with the eleven that should start laying late September or early October I should wind up with a year in total of 4000.

The spangled hamburg rooster was not very impressed with being left alone in the cage he shared with two hens. He has a broody vorwerk for a neighbor but somehow I don't think he will considered that satisfactory. She probably won't even spend anytime talking through the wire with him as she is preoccupied with hatching a half dozen eggs.
We have the 2 campgrounds down the road and the big one is usually pretty noisy on the holiday weekends and the traffic is awful up and down the road.

Our plans include... work, work, hospital, and more work.

I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend.

Hope you don't have to spend too much time in the hospital

Now that it's dusk, they're bringing out the big guns ... literally
Good news! My FIL is awake and off of the respirator!
I did not go to the hospital today but DH was there. I did work most of the day though

Opa, I hope all goes well with your chickens and their new accomidations!

A2, love the pic!
The sun is starting to peek over the horizon so I guess it is time to go out and let the chickens out. Looks like it it going to be quite warm again today. I've got lots I need to try and get done today but since it's a holiday I'm not going to worry if I don't finish. Of course even if it weren't a holiday I wouldn't be too worried about finishing. The constant thing about working on ones own home is that the work is always there.
I have two hens that have hatched out chicks the last two weeks, and it's funny to walk out to the broody coop and see the Amercauna and Vorwerk bantams, some of the LF pullets, and my Alpha roo all lined up around the coop's pen watching the babies in action.

Apparently, chickens like watching Chick TV too!
Good Morning!!! Happy 4th of July!!!!!

One dead opposum this morning!
It got locked in the feed trailer last night when we got home after the fireworks in Fowlerville. My Dad came down and gave it the ceremonial lead poisioning

Enjoy your day!
It sure makes you wonder doesn't it? Prayers that all will go well for her.

Thanks all for the continued prayers. The Dr that put of doing the surgery on FIL said that this all part of God's plan!?? My MIL said it was Gods plan for him to use his brain.

Today was a rough one as they were trying to take FIL off the respirator and were waking him up some. They ended up having to put him back on the respirator and sedating him more. Hopefully tomorrow things will go better.

Seriously!?!?!?! The doctor said it was God's plan?!?!?!? I think he needs this:
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