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Got another egg, looks the same as the first so I'm thinking it's from the same chicken. I'm sure it's Shmoo, she's the biggest although not by much. Another month or so and the other silkies will be her size.
I'm gonna gather up some egg shaped things to put in the nest box so she'll lay up there instead. The others don't seem interested in the eggs and might even be avoiding them. They aren't too keen on new things showing up.
Hello to everyone.

If anyone is interested, I'm selling my remaining flock of Delawares. I have them listed in the auction section. I'd love to see someone here get them as I've worked hard on them and they're nice birds.
I was reading my paper and they had a nice article on Green Coops/ city chickens and they mentioned this site. So cool, any who.. The guys who makes the coops is giving a lunchen on the 25th for people who are doing the Urban chicken thing, Kina neat.. just wanted to share.
If I new how to post the link I would...
go to The Oakland Press and search chicken green coop.
Im going to the lunchen... :0)
maybe i'll learn some new stuff...
Good afternoon!! Went for a nice walk to find my cousins, cousin, is putting carrots out for the deer near his tree stand.
Not even his property!! I called our cousin so she can call him. My FIL, husband and I all hunt out back and in no way am I or them gonna get in trouble for him being a idiot!!
I picked up all the carrots. We have a very jerky neighbor who would turn us in for baiting.
Good afternoon!! We're building the mobile pen today for the meaties. Out of NINE laying hens I got TWO eggs yesterday and ONE today, not a ton of feathers so I don't think anyones going into a heavy molt. I'm not happy about that. I guess my ducks were also trying to hold it in all weekend but they couldn't anymore! DH found NINE eggs in the duck nest today and literally scared another duck that popped out an egg right in front of him!
I think I'll have him gather the eggs from now on!

PS- I have two out of four pips in my bator right now! such cute little cheep cheep cheeps!! I'm talking to them, I feel it helps them hatch. So excited!!
Whew! Haven't been so glad to be home in a long time! Had a very rough start, then had doc appts, went to walmart to find baby yarn that's hard to find elsewhere (especially the one in Charlotte!) so I could finish a blanket that was ordered like...forever ago, then had a nice visit with my 93 year old grandma. I worried about all the animals since Willie has discovered flying and we didn't have time to clip wings this morning. It's the longest we've been away from all of them. It's like when I left my human kids home alone for the first time, it killed me!! LOL

Now I'm exhausted, in pain and hot so I think I'll go lay on the couch. Hope everyone is having a great day!
Vicki (or anyone nearby) are you interested in having some animals in the Apple and Farm festival in ER October 9th? I have the Historical Society on facebook and they are looking for farm animals. I have volunteered to bring the rabbits and two calls. Vicki, as sweet as your goats are I thought that would be cool if you could pull it off! I can get you the name/number or whatever if you're interested!
Good morning everyone!

I was awakened by a huge clap of thunder
and bolted out of bed before I realized what it was. Fantastic lightening show out there. The storm has passed us now- not sure if there is more to come, I have not turned on the news yet.

Keyt- I am so glad that the ducks are doing well. Love them much. I miss them. Im not sure what to do with the problem males that I have here. I wonder if I rehomed Jax, the runner, if my male muscovy would settle down and not pick on Baby, the other male. Hormones running rampant here. I guess it makes sense. (All my kids are the same also- puberty central here- kids are 12, 14, and 17...makes me want to move out to the garage until they all get through their issues)

Where is Opa? Did I miss a post yesterday or is he MIA?

I woke up with a terribly sore throat this morning. Getting sick is NOT an option. I have just completed an entire series of testing, and feel like a lab rat/guinea pig. I have had an ekg, echocardiogram, MRI of my brain, ultrasound, xrays..breathing tests, and I still have to go have a carotid ultrasound on Saturday. But I am DONE! No more little papertowels that they call "gowns", no more poking, prodding, and etc. So now, sore throat.

I hope everyone has a great day. I just have this one more day to work then I have tomorrow off...
This is going to be a rather busy week. Lots to do in preparation for heading south for two weeks. I haven't seen my granddaughter in a year so I'm excited to see her. The pictures I've seen show that my little girl is growing up fast.

I've got to get more chicken feed stockpiled. I'll fill all the waterers and feeders Sunday afternoon so Hope won't have to worry for a couple of days. Need to mow the grass so it won't require bailing when I get back. Think I'd better start making a list of the things that I need to take with me.

I reached an interesting time in life. I'm old enough that some folks call onme for advice thinking that I've accumulated some wisdom and am still young enough to remember what I've learned from life. Wonder how many years til it morphs into silly old fool?
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