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Usually there are tons of posts by the time I get home from school. I agree with chickflick -- slow day.

I prefer to keep my feed in galvanized metal containers but I've had cob corn and bird seed in plastic garbage cans for several years now, with nary a mouse/rat nibble. Until I left it out overnight last week. It could have been squirrels though.

Names have been a puzzler so far. The kids at school seem to like Nugget and Giblet.

I think I'll try to let the banties free range with the bigger girls tomorrow. Although I'm considering clipping their wings since I've seen what they can achieve just in the coop.
Watch it!!!
I'll have to tell my kids the song is on Veggie Tales. Not sure if they watch it or not.
Wow, where is everyone?? Sure was a slow day on the forum today!

Been cleaning and spraying coops while the weather is nice.

I also use the galvanized cans for my feed.
No, but I'm thinking of maybe getting some in the spring. I love the partridge coloring and that males and females have different coloring within the color.
Watch it!!!
I'll have to tell my kids the song is on Veggie Tales. Not sure if they watch it or not.
Wow, where is everyone?? Sure was a slow day on the forum today!

Been cleaning and spraying coops while the weather is nice.

I also use the galvanized cans for my feed.

oops, excuse me, I hiccupped
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Sheesh... SLOW day is right! LOL.

I have had squirels eat thru plastic cat litter lids. I used to store bird seed in them, then the little suckers figured it out, and just started eating at it. I keep my feed in rubbermaid boxes and I haven't had any probs with mice. OF COURSE I do have an outdoor cat that take good care of playing with mice till they are dead... So maybe that it why? HEEHEE

I gotta catch my black cochin Scatter... She's developing face muffs. Her siblings do not have them. They are mutts, but all from the same mom. LOL. For the longest time she looked just like Scooter and Oscar, now she doesn't, other than the color. But she's so funny looking now that I gotta get a pic of her. She's one thou that I got free, and has never been handled... This aught to be fun huh...

How long do dogs stay in heat? My Rotten Ruby has gone into heat, and I have never had a female... Well I had one, but I fixed her early. I was thinking of breeding Ruby, but now that it looks like I might lose my job at the beggining of February, thanks GRP! I Don't think I will, cuz I dont think I will be able to afford the vet bill... She's the cutest dang puggle, and the vet said she should be a good breeder when I first got her when she was 8 month old... Oh well... But I forgot to ask about how long they stay in heat for...
Nova, I don't know the answer to your question or if this would help or not, but there is a place in Kentwood called C-Snip that does low cost/reduced spay/neuters. I've never taken a dog there, but I've taken 2 cats (I actually picked our Pippi up from there this morning and she is just fine) and our Morris was there about 2 years ago and has never had any problems. I think dogs cost about $75.

Msue, Mr. Peanut is about 24 weeks old now and we consider him the chubby, cranky dude. He's the head of our bantam group and loves to challenge me on a daily basis even though he's barely bigger than my shoe.
I'll try to get a newer photo of him to post.

So today has been busy, busy getting a lot of tasks done. We finally got the girls in their new coop and they were a bit lost it seemed. We gave them a bigger area with lots of perching space and when DH went out to check on them a bit ago, only 8 were perched. Our roos Red and Newton were sitting on each side of the feeder with various girls around them and apparently a group of girls thought the nest boxes were a great place to be. Oh, and there was an egg in the middle of the floor.
We plan to leave them in there a few days so they get settled in better and hopefully they'll get it all figured out.
The only downfall, besides being so tired I could drop, is that while I was in the coop I lost my balance and when I quickly reached out to steady myself I sliced my hand on a huge sliver of wood. OUCH!
Nova- I have a friend that took his cats to c-snip and the lady I got my goats from uses them when she occasionally rescues a dog. They both had good things to say. I think they may even work with you on price, due to the possible loss of work.

Back to your original question, it has been my experience that "heat" lasts about two weeks.

Very sorry to hear about losing your job. A couple we are close friends with both used to work at the GRP. They still have a lot of friends working there. Going to be a tough time for many folks.

Has anyone got birds from Townline? If so what do you think of their birds? was thinking about getting a couple of ISA's and a couple of BSL's.
Teeville5....I did something similar this spring to my hand, I sliced my fingers though on the metal of the coop framing the door. We didn't have the steps to the coop done yet and we had an old wooden footstool that we were using for the temporary step. I went to let the girls out, stepped back out onto the footstool and down I went....literally flat on my back on the hard wet ground (rained through the night)! I didn't even attempt to grab anything cause it happened so fast but on my way down my hand swiped under the edge/molding of the door frame. I didn't feel a thing or realize that I cut myself till I got in the garage......blood all over. Was not my morning for my mother was having surgery that day and I thought oh great....she'll be in OR and I'll be in ER. I didn't need stitches, I went to our family Dr., he cleaned it up & super glued them shut!! They healed beautifully....no scars. It was a total mystery as to what I sliced my fingers on for there was no sharp edges exposed. Later that day my son says my fingers must of went between the coop & edge of the door molding for he found a little dent....still no sharp metal exposed. Needless to say....That evening I had a full set of steps on the coop!!
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